Jealousy is how I roll

Start from the beginning

"Go get sorted" Chloe pointed at Roman who happily walked away. I tried to follow him inside to hid in the bar but Dean grabbed my hand lacing our fingers. "Aww don't you two look adorable" Chloe beamed at us. I scowled to myself. "Shut up!" Dean said unimpressed back at her. Guess he hated being called cute. This was going to be a long day.

The ceremony was alright I guess. I never really liked her cousin which I guess is why she tried to ask me to come so she had friends to sit with while we was here. She didn't like her family at all. But for obvious reasons it would have been rude for her not to show. The main thing I was worried about was Callum. I knew he would be here. He always had an obsession with me. He was a nice enough guy but he could get a bit too much sometimes. Every now and again through the Ceremony he was looking back at me and Dean. Dean not once let go of my hand so I knew how it looked. I was glad when the after party started. The second Dean released my hand I wondered off to the bar. I ordered myself a shot and a beer. I needed to shot to help calm my nerves. The whole time I sat at the bar drinking I couldn't get my mind off Dean. He wasn't really saying much to me. It was strange but he was holding my hand and acting like this was normal for us. "You care to dance?" I was pulled from my thoughts to see Callum sat next to me smiling. "I'm good thanks" I continued to drink my beer, he shook his head with a light chuckle. "Would your boyfriend not approve?" I almost choked on my beer. "He's not my boyfriend!" I defended a bit to sharply. "So why was you guys holding hands?" I shrugged. "We're here as a group" I pointed to Chloe and the guys not really explaining myself. "Your date just for the wedding then?" I shrugged again. "He's just a friend".  "So dance with me then" He stood up and held his hand for me. I looked down then up at his face. His smile was warm inviting me in. "Just one dance" I gave in with a light smile. I took his hand as he led me between the couples on the dance floor. I forgot instantly about my problems as me and Callum began to dance slowly to the music and he began to make small talk. "He's watching us" He whispered in my ear aiming at Dean. "He can watch all he wants" I laughed lightly trying to hide the fact it bothered me. Gradually I ended up facing the guys only to see Dean was watching us. He didn't look happy at all. Roman passed glances our way every now and again. I started to feel uncomfortable. Luckily Callums mum rushed towards us. "I'm borrowing my son for a moment. You don't mind Cassie" She smiled at me. I nodded to say it was ok as she rushed him off. 

I was about to go back to the bar when I felt a hand take mine and another come around my waist. I looked at the culprit to see Dean looking down at me. "Didn't know you danced" I bluntly told him. His eyes seemed a bit dark at my comment. "Who was that?" Dean's voice stern. "Why does it matter?" I retorted back in the same tone. Why was he so pissed? "Because he was touching you" I scoffed back "We was dancing". Dean's grip tightened on me as I tried to pull away keeping me there dancing with him. He pulled my body flush against his in one swift movement and held me tightly. "He had his hands on you, I don't like that. Nobody can touch you but me" I scowled at his order. "You can't tell me what to do Dean" "I'm not telling you I'm asking you". His voice was low but becoming more dangerous. "Yeah, sounded like it" I mocked back. Suddenly we stopped moving to the music and Dean let out a low growl. It startled me a bit. "Why are you being so difficult?" I shook my head and pulled out of his grip. Like hell am I going to argue with him in the middle of a wedding party dance floor. I walked away from him and rushed past Chloe who began to shout me. "I'll get her" I heard Dean say to Chloe. Great! Now I'm being followed by Mr Jealousy. I managed to get outside, it was now dark. I quickly slipped my heels off and rushed down the stairs and onto the patio. "Cassie!" Dean's voice ordered. I ignored him and kept walking a rushed pace. "Cassie! Don't fucking walk away from me!" He snapped grabbing my arm and slamming me into a wall. I let out a yelp as pain rushed through my back. I looked up to Dean's eyes only to regret it immediately. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He snapped at me. I yanked my arm from his grip. "One fucking get off me because you just hurt me and two I didn't do anything wrong! We're not together! I can dance with who ever the hell I want!" I snapped back. His eyes became even darker, if that is possible. Then a evil smirk came across his lips. It made me feel instant fear, I shuddered under his glare. 

His hands came up on the wall trapping me in. "So you fucked me and thought you could just use me?" He darkly mocked. I gulped quiet visibly. He knew exactly how uncomfortable I was right now. "It wasn't like that" I stuttered. Dean laughed at me shaking his head then his face became serious as he moved it closer to me. I held my breath as my body tensed. My hands clung to the bottom of my dress like it was going to save me. Dean's breath whirled around my face. I couldn't take this, even under all this fear he was making me hot and bothered again yet I was so scared all at the same time. "Then what was it like? Huh Cassie?" I tried to look away to escape the questions but Dean grabbed my face by the chin and made me look up at him. His grip was not enough to hurt but I couldn't pull away. He refused to let go. "Answer me!" He sternly demanded. My lips parted, I tried to speak but nothing was coming out. I don't know why but I felt a tear escape from my left eye and roll down my cheek. I inhaled and let out a deep breath to try and compose myself. "I can't explain anything because I'm confused" Ok that came out pathetic. "Try" he continued. "I'm scared of you, I'm scared you will get me into trouble. I can't stop thinking about you yet I know I don't want to be with you" I was digging myself a grave here. His hand dropped and he stepped back. I was relieved to have my space again as I stepped off the wall. "Your clearly too immature for me. Lets count last night as a stupid mistake" He boldly said with no emotion. Ouch! That hurt. He began to walk away but for some odd reason something made me grab his arm to stop him. He didn't turn to face me at all but let out an annoyed exhale. "Cassie let go" I couldn't. My grip tightened on him.  "Why are you doing this?" It came out in a broken tone. I didn't mean for it to sound so weak. "Because I'm a jealous guy Cassie. Nobody touches my property and if you can't live with that then..." He never finished his sentence. I looked down at his limp hand in my grasp. It just hung there as I held his wrist. It hurt knowing he wanted nothing to do with me and that he saw it as a mistake. "I don't see last night as a mistake. Last night was amazing. But just because we had sex doesn't mean you can claim ownership on me. I don't sleep around, that was a first for me last night. I'm scared of you because of what and who you are. But the thought of you walking away hurts for some reason" I honestly explained in a small voice.

"Tell someone who gives a fuck!" he harshly finished yanking his wrist from me he walked away. I stood shocked and stunned. I was all kinds of confused and I probably confused Dean also. I couldn't cope with this. I needed to man up and get him shot from my life. Maybe everything so far was a mistake. Maybe meeting Dean was a mistake. He was no good for anyone really but I couldn't get him out of my head. He was under my skin and it bugged me. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Where stories live. Discover now