Short and Sweet (The End)

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~Alex’s P.O.V.~

“Alex?” I heard someone’s voice as I sat on the ground, still hugging my knees my breathing was starting to come back a little now but the tears were none stop/

“Ale- Shit, Lexi” I felt Jack’s arms wrap around my body as he pulled me closer to him. I gripped onto his shirt as I continued to try and calm down.

“It’s okay, I’m here” He said as he gave my shoulders a tight squeeze, I heard the bus door open again. I couldn’t look up whoever it was I didn’t want them to see me like this.

“Jack” I heard them whisper, I felt Jack as he moved his head up from mine to look at whoever it was. There was a few mumbled ‘okays’; I couldn’t tell if they were talking so I guessed they were probably mouthing the words to each other.

“Alex, Sierra’s here” Jack said after a while, I took a deep breath and sat up; still trying to calm down. Sierra sat down in front of Jack and I; she held my hand in hers and rubbed it lightly with her thumb.

“Alex, what happened?” She asked,

“I was just over-thinking everything and had a panic attack.” I laughed a little before looking at Jack who had a serious face on.

“I guess it was kind of stupid, everything just hit me and I broke down.  I’m sorry if I worried you guys,  it’s been a little hectic lately” I semi-laughed again, Jack looked at the ground and finally smiled. I didn’t want to look at Sierra I was too scared too, what if she takes it the wrong way and blames herself.

“But I do need to talk to you Sierra; alone if that is okay?” I asked finally looking at her; Jack nodded his head as he got up from the ground. I moved over on the ground to were Jack was and motioned Sierra to come lay with me, she hesitated at first but then soon rested her head on my chest and laid there with me. For the first few minutes we were silent, I was running my fingers through her long hair just trying to think of a way to tell her everything.

“I’m really sorry Lexi, I swear everything is going to be easier after today. I’m so fucking sorry I had to ruin Warped for you” I heard her say,

“No, shhh; you didn’t ruin Warped for me Sierra. In fact because of you this has to be my best Warped Tour yet,  the thing I need to tell you Sierra; is that I really have these feelings for you, and I was wondering maybe we could be together, I mean if you don’-“ Before I could finish what I was saying Sierra’s lips crashed down onto mine, I felt her wrap her arms around my neck as she smiled slightly and started to laugh a little also, I couldn’t help myself but start to laugh. I guess this was the answer to my question; it was a great answer to be honest. For the rest of the night it really was just Sierra and I in the back room just laying there; well not really we laid there and listened to ‘Brand New’ and ‘La Dispute’ two bands Sierra knew of that were actually quite great.

There was now two more dates left of Warped two, and I actually couldn’t be any more excited. Sierra was coming back with me to Baltimore for a few weeks until we both had to go back on tour, it was a little weird when she told me she was going on tour because I honestly thought she was going back to merching for Dayshell but she said something came up. Nothing new when it came to her, she’s all for surprising people; not too long ago she again pranked Asking Alexandria, well it was more she pranked Danny Worsnop but unplugging his microphone and having hers plugged in so when he went to start the song she actually started it and finished it. He was entirely confused until she came out from backstage, I actually thought he was going to kill her but it ended up alright.

It was right before Sleeping With Siren’s set when Krissy and Becca came up to me, they were both jumping around like complete luntics.

“Woah, where is the fire ladies?” Jack asked as I elbowed him to get his attention, Krissy had that goofy smile on her face so I defiantly had something to do with Sierra.

“The fire is going to be on our stage soon! Sierra has the biggest news for people ever, and she wanted us to make sure you guys were there considering everyone else is!” Krissy said as she and Becca grabbed both Jack and I, we were basically sprinting to the Main Stage to see what the big deal was.  I know Sierra has been merching for a while, and haven’t said a word about joining the band so that was obviously out of the question.  She told me time and time again, nothing and she meant nothing was going to change her mind about the band; even when I think about it lately she has been a little weird about the band; hanging out on my band’s bus more than hers sometimes even spending a few rides with us, but with how happy Becca and Krissy were being I know it has nothing to do with Sierra leaving or anything bad than what could it possibly be.

“Guys, slow the fuck down what’s going on?” I finally asked, pulling my wrist out from Krissy’s grip. She rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand again, well rude.

“Just shut up Alex, You talk too much.” Becca smiled,

“Ouch” Jack laughed next to me, I punched him in the shoulder playfully; he can be a serious dick sometimes.

“You fuckers are late! Come on we are about to get one!” Ryan said as he rushed the two on stage not before standing in front of Jack and I, he looked at me with a big smile before giving me a huge hug. I looked over at Jack a little weird, confused on why the fuck he’s touching me since he never really was the hugging type of guy.

“God, you’re awesome Alex” He said before jumping on stage.

“What the Hell was that all about?” Jack whispered into my ear, I shrugged my shoulders as I watched Krissy and Becca began to play along with Ryan.

“So before we start we would like to make an announcement” Krissy said as they continued the beat that had going on, it was one of those really exciting beats when there was really exciting news. I was even jumping in my spot I was getting really excited myself.

“We would like to welcome our new permanent member!” Becca yelled as they all turned to one side of the stage as Sierra started to sing the beginning of the song they started to play. I looked over at Jack with my mouth hanging wide open.

“I did it! I got her to join!” I yelled as I jumped into Jack’s arms as he caught me and we began to celebrate.

I couldn’t be happier with how Warped tour turned out to be this year, I got to meet an awesome new band, fall in love with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes one, and helped a band out. This was seriously the biggest surprise in the world; I mean who would have guessed all this could happen in three months. I would have never expected Warped to turn out like this, everything was hard at first but during the course it got easier and we all became closer, this has have to be the best Warped tour I have ever experienced in my entire life. Warped tour was truly full of surprising this year, and I can’t wait till next year.

The End.

YES I’M SORRY IT IS THE END MY LOVES! Short and sweet I know! But I couldn’t think of a better way to end it! I might actually bring Sierra and Alex back in the future so that’s why it was so short and sweet! Anyways as we end this one, we start another one! We have the Austlan Cashby story going and a new SHAYLEY BOURGET STORY :D (Disclaimer; he’s not in Of Mice & Men in this one #sorrynotsorry) SO GET READY


Warped Tour Is One Big Surprise (Alex Gaskarth Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now