Don't Panic!

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~Alex’s P.O.V.~

Krissy was walking over to us, she looked like she was going to explode she was so angry. Marco raised his hands up and stepped to the side as Krissy stood in front of me and the old couple.

“Oh Krissy! You’re still around? I would have thought you would’ve taken our advice and gotten a better job, or at least those piercings” The old women said as she looked toward Krissy, I honestly thought she was going to explode or just freak out. I saw Marco standing behind her looking a little nervous, I myself started to feel a little uncomfortable with all the tension.

“Of course she is still around! The band idea was hers in the first place!” The older gentleman said as he sucked smoke into his lungs once again, Krissy at this point was boiling over you can just see the steam coming out of her ears.

“Listen here now, it was both our ideas and if you haven’t noticed we are very popular!” Krissy yelled pointing her finger at the old couple as they stood there in complete shock, 

“Oh so you got yourself into a small festival, big fucking deal! It’s not the Today Show or anything, it’s just some festival!” The older man yelled back at her, by this time a few people have caught onto the scene in front of us. I put my hands in my front pockets as I stood next to Rian and Marco just watching the scene in front of us.

“Are you bloody fucking kidding me?! This is Warped Tour! One of the biggest events to happen to a band ever!” Krissy yelled back through gritted teeth, I could see her holding back so much. Soon enough you had a small crowd surrounding us.

“This isn’t going to end well” Marco mumbled as he rubbed his face with his hands, I just watched the scene. I looked over and saw Kellin talking to Austin; they both seemed to be freaking out about something.

“Oh Warped Tour! Whatever, just tell me where my daughter is I need to talk some sense into her” The older man yelled back at Krissy giving her extreme attitude, Krissy clenched her fists before opening her mouth. I watched closely at Kellin and Austin, as Kellin was flailing his arm all over the place and pointing in the direction of You Me At Six’s busses. I was a little confused at what they could possibly be freaking out about at this moment.

“She doesn’t need a talking to! She’s the best screamer in the world, and the band needs her. She doesn’t need you guys coming back in her life and telling her what to do! She’s grown up now, and she’s fucking free from you douchebags!” Krissy yelled, there was a share of ‘oohs’ and ‘oh my gods’ as she cursed at the older couple, everyone here was very respectful to elders even when they were rude to us but I don’t think Krissy had time to really care.

“Screamer? Oh please! She’s just terrible! Screaming is not a talent!” The older women chimed in this time, causing a large amount of the surrounding group to basically growl at them in disapproval.

“I’m a screamer, and I have millions of fans around the world that love the music my band and I make. I also make more money that you would normally make in a year in a week” Austin growled as he pushed through the crowd, I watched as Kellin ran off somewhere. What the Hell did they talk about?

“It’s not because you have talent it’s because of your pretty face, now be gone this has nothing to do with you!” The older man said once again, I could tell everyone was getting fed up with them. Security started to come over but Marco held his hand up to let them know everything was going to be fine; Krissy was just about done with them. If looks could kill I’m pretty sure they would be dead by now.

“Besides how can my daughter be good at singing? She doesn’t have a talented bone in her body! The only thing she is talented for is probably fucking things up all the time! I mean come on, she dropped out of high school, did a shit ton of drugs, got herself into rehab, please she’s nothing but fuck up and I’m here to tell her that it’s time she grows up and goes back to school!” The old man laughed slightly, I saw a few more people start to push through the crowd ready to say something but someone cleared their throat and we turned our heads to the direction. There was Kellin standing there rubbing the back on his neck in defeat as Sierra stood in front of him, tears rolling down her cheeks and her fists balled up. She didn’t say anything to anyone; she only pushed past Kellin and basically ran back to her bus.

Warped Tour Is One Big Surprise (Alex Gaskarth Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now