Nothing But Cute Things and Family Drama

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~Alex’s P.O.V.~
I woke up to the sound of doors being slam shut, and Sierra jerking awake in my arms. She was facing toward the wall of the bunk and I had my arms around her.

“Are you okay?” I whispered into her ear as I gently kissed her necked.

“Yeah the guys must be back” She mumbled before setting her head back down on the pillow, I pulled her closer to my chest, and nuzzled my face into the back of her neck more.  I was very comfortable in my spot and content with how close Sierra was to me, everything at that moment was completely perfect that was until I was ripped out of Sierra’s bunk by the collar of my shirt.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing in here?!” Marco yelled in my face, I was still a little groggy from being woken up again.

“Marco! I can explain” Krissy and Sierra both said, Sierra stuck her head out of her bunk giving Krissy a weird look before looking at me.

“Well one of you better explain” He growled before dropping me to the floor, I looked around still a little shocked at being pulled away from Sierra and basically almost punched in the face.

“I asked Alex to come to the bus to check on Sierra” Krissy started, I nodded my head before looking at Sierra who was hanging half way out of her bunk. She rested her hand on her brother’s shoulder to try to at least calm him down to the best of her ability.

“I was having a nightmare when Lexi came in and he helped me calm down so I asked him to stay” Sierra said, her brother started too calmed down a little.

“Is this true?” He looked down at me; I was still on the group trying to figure everything out as best as I could. I was still so tired, I just wanted to go back to sleep I don’t want to be punched in the face either.

“Yeah, Krissy asked me to check on Sierra for her because she wasn’t answering her phone so I walked onto the bus and I heard her having a nightmare so I woke her up.” I mumbled out quickly, Marco gritted his teeth before look back at his little sister. I stood there watching as he gave her a light hug before walking to the back lounge of the bus. Sierra hung half-way out of the bunk sighing before Ryan and Becca started to laugh.

“That shit was pretty intense” Ryan laughed a little before he helped me up from the ground; Sierra lifted her head up and rested it on my shoulder as well as her arms. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her neck, and kissed the side of her head.

“Alex, you’re here? I guess you will be riding with us” Sean said as he hoped onto the bus as well, I looked out the window and saw as the rest of the busses started to leave as well. It looks like I have no choice but to ride with them this evening and by the looks of things doesn’t look like it’s going to be a quiet night.

“I guess I will be, if that is okay with you?” I asked looking at the rest of the group, Sierra was basically falling asleep with half her body on mine, hanging out of her bunk like a monkey.

“I guess so, just no having sex I’m right under you guys” Krissy sighed as she squeezed past me and got into her bunk.

“I don’t have a problem with it” Ryan said as he hopped into his bunk which was right in front of Sierra’s, Becca soon followed after him. They both sat up Indian style with the curtain open as well as Krissy did.

“Come on” Sierra mumbled as she opened her curtain up all the way, and sat Indian style like everyone else. I hopped into her bunk and sat Indian style just like everyone else; as soon as I got comfy Sierra fell over onto my lap and got herself comfy before looking at Ryan and Becca across from us.

“So whose turn is it today?” Becca asked looking down at Krissy, then back at the two of us. I was a little confused on what was going on but I went with it; Ryan shrugged his shoulders before looking over at me.

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