Like he always did.

He felt the man fall next to him breathing heavily, getting off the bed gingerly he picked up the money from the dresser and counted it to be sure.

Limping to pick up his discarded dress and underwear, he pulled it on as he intently avoided eye contact with the man on the bed, who was staring lustfully at Milah's body.

"Will you be here tomorrow?"

He heard the man say behind him, nodding absentmindedly he replied "Yes I will be" those words bring shame to him more than what he had just done.

Deciding that that was enough for him for the day he made his way back to the palace grounds, after washing up and paying the brothel owner for the night.

He dreaded his return to the palace.

Walking in slow measured steps so as not to agitate his sore backside as he walked down the road.

The streets were loud with music as he expected, the women were dancing with their slim waists, their fluid bodies moving in the rhythm of the drums, their bodies assorted with jewels, eyes rimmed with kohl, their dresses swaying in the night wind.

The smell of roasted ram was in the air, his stomach growling for a taste but he could not afford it.

His long hair was flowing in the wind as he stood, mesmerized by the night, lights everywhere in colored lamps, he had never seen so much color in his life.

"Why do you like blue?"

"Because it reminds me of you"

A smile arched his lips as he recalled that day, Khal loved surprises, he was the one with something under his sleeves, and he was always up to something.

Mischievousness was always in his golden colored eyes. Milah loved his eyes, golden like the sun, how bright they shone when the sun hit them, he always got lost in them. He misses his sun.

"Prince Khaldun is going to pick a Hemet in a month's time"

He heard a girl say loudly to her friend, "I hear he already has someone on his mind" the other girl replied, Milah was not one to eavesdrop so he walked by them.

"I hear he is in love!" one of the girls squealed behind him, Milah sighed as he thought at least the prince was getting the love of his life.

The night wind was blowing, the sky was bright with the shine of stars, and perhaps the people of the sky were looking down at him now.

What did they see...he wondered, did they see someone as broken hearted as he was? Did they see his Khal?

He walked by the banks of the Nile river, the canoes at the edge of the banks, the Nile river was unusually still.

He understood that he was not the luckiest needle in the dress shop but he wished his Khal were here, amidst the celebration Khal would distract him with playful kisses, tight hugs and hands playing with his hair.

He understood that he was an afterthought to most people and he was not unhappy by that, however not having someone he could lean on was frustrating.

He was always the one taking care of people, he always put people he cared about before himself but no one ever thought of him first, no one remembers that he was only human.

He hated it, despised it...being alone.

Why was he not someone's first thought, he deserved love too didn't he?.

Sitting on the sands of the riverbank he stared at the still river, the wind making him shiver however he just hugged himself harder.

He liked to pretend that he understood why he was not happy; he liked to pretend about many things however, he did not understand.

He did not understand why Khal was not back, he did not understand why everybody was happy except him.

He did not understand why his father left and never came back, and he did not understand why love never did him good. He did not understand but he wished he did.

Standing up from the sand he made his way to the palace, in a better mood, the Niles seemed to have lifted his moods and he could even force a smile.

Loud noises were still in booming on the palace grounds so he made his way to the slave quarters.

"Milah!" he heard his name being called, turning to see Thabit he bowed his head a little in show of respect, feeling suddenly aware of his state of lack of dress.

"How are you?" the head slave asked him, raising his head to look at the man he replied "I am all right sir" his eyes avoiding the man.

Thabit moved closer, too close making Milah take an unconscious step back "Where have you been?" he heard Thabit say feeling eyes look upon his body.

Feeling self-conscious he folded his arms on his chest before replying "I was at the Niles...swimming" he lied and he instantly felt his left eyes twitch.

"You are lying"

"No, I am not"

"Your left eye just twitched"

After the encounter with Thabit he hastily made his way to his quarters. Nefertiti was not in as he expected, taking off his dress he pulled his clothes off the dresser, the lotus flower fell from one of them, dried and scattered.

Sighing as he thought about the last time he had seen his sister, it has been a while...and his grandmother, he did not care much about uncle but he knew his family would love him to have him home...his sister most especially.

Packing a small portion of his clothes into his travel sack, his family home was not very far from the palace, it was a trek able distance.

He would leave in the morn before the cock crowed.

Pulling the clothes from the sack Alia gave him he wrapped them inside another large clothe and placed them into his travel sack, maybe after a little time in with family he would be in a better mood.

Glossary: Oboes are ancient Egyptian musical instrument that plays in mostly treble and soprano ranges. Oboes are made out of wood but there are also made of synthetic materials.

Hemet : a name for the female partner of an ancient Egyptian marriage.

Her Royal Awesomeness: Okay that's the chapter, not exactly proud of it but what can you do. .

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