Chapter 89

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Gus takes his hand out from the jacket. No sense in playing cowboy. The café isn't more than 30 feet away.

"Fine. See?" Gus says. Shows Red his empty palms.

Red turns the photo so Gus can see.

"Now tell me. Where did you get this?" Red says. Sounds as sober as a judge.

Gus leans over to see. It's a color photo of Red. He's in the cab of his truck next to a...


The man next to Red – and it is a man – is pulling up a pair of pants. But everything about him looks like a woman. Except for one thing. A penis between his legs.

Red knows when the photo was taken. In Minnesota, when he met "Jane" to talk about Wil. It's a fail-safe. A guarantee. Something to keep Red in line.

"Why do you have this photo, Gus?" Red says. "Did you take it?"

Gus looks as surprised as Red.

"No, I didn't take it. Someone gave it to me," Gus says.

"Who? The same person who wrote this?" Red says. Turns the photo over.

Printed in small type on the back of the photo are these words: "This goes to the newspaper if you don't stop. – Jane."

"Holy shit, Red. You and a prostitute?" Gus says.

"No. Me and Jane. Or someone who works for Jane. From our meeting in Minnesota. But we sure as hell weren't doing what this picture makes it look like. Now tell me where you got this," Red says.

Gus tells Red about the meeting with the federal agents, Tom and Beth. Leaves out the part about the land deal.

"And you never told me?" Red says.

"Look, I didn't know. They just showed up and gave me an envelope. Told me what to do with it. Shit, I'm running scared here, OK? There's nothing in the reserve deputy pamphlet on how to deal with this," Gus says in a rush.

"Yeah, well, get in line. The whole state of North Dakota is in the same position," Red says. "Just another reason I couldn't trust you to tell time."

"Red, look...," Gus says.

"You're going to give me the phone number for those federal agents," Red says. Starts the truck. "Then I'm finding Wil. There's a reason Jane wants me to stay put. But I just don't give a damn anymore."

Gus starts to say something. Red cuts him off. Pulls open Gus's jacket. Grabs the revolver.

"You're such a prairie dog, Gus. You know that?" Red says. Switches the gun to his left hand. Aims it at Gus. Uses his right hand to drive the truck out of Betrug.

"It ain't like that, Red. Not at all," Gus says.

"We're going back to your place. You're getting me those phone numbers. Your wife and kids home?" Red says.

Gus stammers. His mind can't break the gaze of the revolver.

"Uh, no. They went to Bismarck, like I told you before," Gus says.

"Good," Red says.


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