Over The River And Through The Woods

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Okay, here we go, my lovely readers!

Point of View: ??????

Child of nature.

Child of wonder.

He fears nothing.

Why I wonder?

How can a child fear nothing?

The answer is simple.

He has lost everything.

He grew up too fast.

And has a very dark past.

Will he return?

Or by his memories spurn?

No, he is much too forgiving.

It is one reason they are living.

Life comes this way.

And Death drags your life away.

This is my life, I am that child. But I am no child. I am a fragment of war, a soldier, a lost soul, wandering the paths of nature. I hunt and survive on the land, wandering forever in my sorrow. I am cursed with long and everlasting life.  

Follow me and you die.

Love me and you leave me. 

Know me and you have forgotten.

See me and I am not there. 

Hear me and you believe in whispers of winds. 

Who am I?

I have no name.

Long ago, I was once known among my ties.

Long ago, my past life had died.

I walked across magic to get where I am.

But I encountered a new life, upon this land. 

To say goodbye and let go of all.

I disappeared to the knowledge of all. 

I am nothing.

Do not come my way.

I cross through the stream I am familiar with after all this time. I remember moving around constantly, still I do this. I know the way of all the lands. I hide here in these places, where no civilization comes. The satyrs know I exist, fearing my appearance near them. They worry that I will take their children. To them, I am a demon without cause or way. The nymphs do not have any troubles about me, they only observe and wait to see where I will go and what I will do. To them, I am just a shadow passing by. 

Animals come near me more often than not. At times, I converse with them. They are easier to speak to than humans. I need not the words from my tongue, but the movement of my body to speak with them. I have not spoken to another being in a very long time. I will speak aloud my thoughts when I wish to fill the neverending silence that is accompanied by the symphonies of the creatures around me. I sing with them because they want me to, willing me with their actions to play with them. So I do. 

I chase the fox through the woods, I sing with the blue jays that glide around the tree limbs, and I race the wolves as a challenge of speed. Adore the newborns and hunt as a predator. Spend time with the grass in the dead of winter. They all speak to me. It is Pan's blessing and my tie to the Primordial Goddess of Earth, Gaea. For even now she speaks to me in her sleep, forgiving her great grandchild for defeating her. Confessing her sins and wrongdoings. I forgave her a very long time ago. She keeps me company, always with me wherever I go. 

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