14 || Armpits

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"So, I guees it's my turn to give you a dare." I muttered, rubbing my arms against each other, trying to create some kind of warmth.

"I meant it. I know you are not one of those girls." Why didn't he just drop the topic? He was making this more uncomfortable for me.

"Just drop it please." I gave him a pleading look and his eyes left the seriousness and they almost softened or that was what I liked to believe anyways.

"Yeah, okay. So it is my dare. Go ahead." He half smiled, probably still thinking about that topic.

"Yeah, ummm....." I really had no idea what dare I was supposed to give him. I just brought it up because I just wanted to stear away from the awkwardness that had settled between us.

So, I did the only thing, any girl would have done my place. When people are in great trouble and facing major tribulations, when life isn't good and nothing seems to be going well in life. When the teacher asked fro a project that you had no clue about, when you had to give some stupid, cocky boy, an equally stupid dare. 

There is only one thing a girl can do when she finds herself tangled up in such difficult, do or die situations. There was only one solution.


So like any other logical person, I was quick to open my google tab and search for some dares. The first one I came across was totally gross and that's why I chose to give it to him.

Maybe, it would help him getting past this game and actually end it.

"Are you sure you still want to play this game?" I challenged, my eyes blazing with excitement. 

"Yeah, I am pretty sure." He looked at me with calculating eyes, uncertainity clear in his black orbs.

"You know, I have a feeling you would regret it." I smirked. He looked surprised at my attitude.

"I do have a feeling that it is definitely going to be something really humiliating but your attitude is quite feisty right now. I like it." He winked at me and I made a face but the smile didn't completely go away from my face.

"You guessed it right." I paused. He loked at me with anticipation and a little irritation now.

"Are you going to say it already? Because I bet that I can still-" Whatever he was about to say was rudely or maybe not so rudely stopped when I spoke.

"Lick your armpits." He seemed to look unaffected for a few moments. I actually started to feel stupid for giving such a dare which didn't even faze him.

But his expression changed slowly. Within a matter of seconds, I thought I saw a number of expressions varying from realization to mortification to digust and then finally, a scowl settled on his face.

To say I was impressed would be the understatement of the century, I was ecstatic and overly satisfied to be able to put him in such a position.

"I am not going to do that!" He exclaimes, his eyes turning cold and staring at me defiantly.

"It is a game and I didn't know that you were a quitter, such a loser." I taunted him. His jaw hardened and I watched with satisfaction as he assesed my face as if just now realizing the situation he had ended up in.

"That's just gross Veronica, don't be so childish." He argued.

" I am not being childish. And rules are rules. You said that we can't quit the game." I spoke in a sing a song voice.

"Well actually, I said you couldn't quit the game." He corrected and I stared at him accusingly. "But I am not a quitter anyways, so you just have to change the dare, I guess." He shrugged.

"I am not changing it. Either you do it or you lose. I won't play this game anymore if you cheat like this." I threatened, giving him a firm shake of my head.

I saw the wild expression of exasperation on his face and I knew then and there that this was going to be real fun.


hey hot stuff ;-)

missed me? no? oh i know you did so don't even lie.

anyways, i updated in a real hurry and i promise that there will be a update soon if i get votes and comments.

what's happening to u readers, not as responsive as b4? sad really....

show me that u still love me, i ain't feelin' the love nymore!

*sad today*


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