Chapter Sixteen

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  • Dedicated to My Boyfriend

If you listen to the song, you will cry like a baby... :'( 

I pressed my palm against the pile of dirt and leaves. My limbs ached as I stood. "I'll never forget you, Eli. I promise." I bit my lip to fight back the tears and turned away, leaving the carnage behind me. 

"You're just going to leave the others out to rot?" Luke asked from behind me. I thought he had left already.

I turned to him and muttered, "Why not?" 

Luke looked at me warily before approaching. "Don't you think it's a bit harsh?"

I laughed darkly. "You're asking me if that's a bit harsh?" I shook my head, turning back.

I reacted to his hand on my shoulder before I thought about it. I twisted around, catching his hand in mine and pushed with all my might against his body. Luke pulled me down with him. "Get off me!" I screamed as he rolled over on top of my body. Luke grabbed my hands and forced them over my head.

I kicked at him the best I could, but my feet never reached him. I bared my teeth and screamed as loud as I could. He seemed to be patient as he waited for me to stop my fit. "Let me go!" I sobbed, pitching my hips, trying to shove him off. Tears streemed down my face. I felt so vulnerable and helpless and I hated it. "Please," I finally whimpered. My struggles stopped completely.

I shook my head to the left, letting my hair shield me and cried heavily into the ground. I knew why I cried. I knew why I shook like this. Luke's hand brushed hair away from my wet face. "Hey, hey...shh..." He pressed his palm against my cheek. I focused on the warmth of his hand and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. "Can you please get off of me now?" 

Luke stood and helped me up. I scrambled away from him before taking off into the trees. My cheek still felt oddly warm and I knew all too well what it was. Eli...may have just died, but there was something about Luke that made me crazy. 

And I knew it was too soon to get hurt. 

I briskly made my way through the piney forest. I had to get to California before the full moon...tomorrow night. I knew that wasn't going to happen, but I at least had to get far away from civilization as possible. "Eve!" I heard Luke call from behind me. "I can help you with tomorrow night!" I stopped mid stride and spun around to find Luke just meters away.

"How?" I growled. 

 "Theres a chamber below that house. We can chain ourselves tomorrow." 

I sighed and nodded. "You're right." Why was everyone so right all the time? "When the full moon passes, I'm leaving. I have to get back to California." 

Luke nodded and started to leave. "Follow." He muttered before dissapearing into the pines.

I was in deep. My nose barely scraped the surface of water and I couldn't breathe easily. What was I doing? I was going after a man who helped kill Eli. I couldn't do this. I couldn't.

I started running and I got to the house before Luke. I waited for him for seconds before he stepped into the clearing. He kept his eye on me carefully as he entered the house and continued walking. I followed him and, after hurrying down a fairly large flight of rotten stairs, came face to face with a wall of chains lit up by few candles. "This is where we would change." Luke stated, brushing his hand over a set of shackles and change.

"Ok." I muttered. "What am I to expect from changing?" I stepped over to him and also touched the chain links that were nicely worn but looked strong enough. 

"Pain," Luke mumbled. "A lot of it. This is no car ride. I promise. Unless you get hit by a semi truck."

I shook my head. "Pleasant." I whispered under my breath. "What happens when I do change? How long does it last? When I first met..." I paused. "He turned fairly quickly." 

"He was hundreds of years old. It stops hurting after a while and you can change by will on the full moon when you get the hang of it." Luke glances at me. "I've only been a wolf for about two years now. It still hurts like hell, but I'm used to it."

"Ok." I wrapped a length of chain around my wrist. A streamline of memories flash through my head. My heart throbbed. "Is there anyway to lessen the pain?"

Luke just shook his head and pressed his back to the wall. I did the same but I collapsed and fell to the stone ground. The cold numbed my pain slightly as I shook with silent sobs and invisible tears. When it stopped, I felt drained and tired. I clawed at the stones and fell asleep.


I rolled around in the sheets and sighed heavily. A warm body was stationed against me and I grinned. Thank God. All of this was just a dream. "Eli," I murmured and touched his chest. He was still asleep, I noticed and burried my face into his skin. His arms came around and held me close. "Eli?" I opened my eyes and saw the fair skin my nose was pressed against.

I gasped and tore away from Luke.

My chest collapsed in on me. Stupid fucking head. It tricked me into the thinking Eli was still alive. Tears rolled down my face, falling into the bed. I glared up at Luke with tears stil staining the sheets. "Fuck you," I growled hoarsly and scrambled away.

Luke watched me storm out of the room with a stunned look on his face. Damn it! I was seeringly mad and achingly torn apart at the same time. My heart cou;dn't take this many emotions at once. "Why?" I cried. "Why did you have to leave me, Eli?" I punched the rotting wall, leaving a hole. 

I screamed all my anger out and slammed my body against the walls, the doors, then down the stairs. When my body touched base with the moldy floor boards, I laid still. "Eve?" I heard Luke call. "What the fuck, Eve?" I groaned and stood. 

"Shit." I grumbled, rolling my shoulders. "That hurt."

Luke grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. "The hell it should have. What were you thinking, throwing yourself down the stairs like that?"

I looked away and mumbled, "I was thinking my life is ruined because of you shitty werewolves." I shoved against him, but Luke kept my shoulders still. "And what would it matter if I did die when Eli's dead."

"You're the only female werewolf living," Luke argued.

"AND? If I had died when Eli bit me, he'd still be alive. I would be dead. You're friends would still be alive. No one would be in hazerd because of me." I clenched my teeth.

Luke's mouth hung open as if he had nothing to say. He did have nothing else to say. He knew I was right. I knew I was right. If I had died, everyone would have lived. But I wasn't going to lead my life in that direction. Eli had tried so hard to keep me alive and by doing that, he sacraficed himself to save me. I had to keep living and running. I owed him that much. 

"But I'm not going to kill myself, Luke." I promise and turn away from him. I had to prepare myself for tonight. 

Woohoo! Another chapter down! :D I'm serious here....I want to find a way to bring ELi back, but it's too soon. Eventually, I may or may not (most likely will not) bring him back in one form or another. It's getting really tense right now what with Eve changing tomorrow and all... Hopefully it'll work out. Cross your fingers! Vote Comment Fan....ladeedaa! 

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