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"These are the holding cells," Grey's delicious voice bounced off of the cement walls in the most perfect way, making me oddly weak in the knees.

Though I was in a terrifying, bloody, and strange place, he made me feel safe and secure.

We walked down a seemingly never ending stone hallway. It was lined with cells and bars of silver kept some rogue werewolves from getting out.

One glared daggers at me and pulled back his lip in a snarl. I cringed and hid under Grey's arm, which was wrapped around my shoulders.

Finally, we reached the end of the hallway, where Greyson opened up a steel door. Inside, was one of the rogues that the man was talking about when he barged in this morning.

The rogue was chained to the wall, his arms above his head. He only wore a pair of blue basketball shorts, and his bloodied torso was on full display.

When he heard us come in, he lifted his head, smirking evilly. Greyson snarled at him and I reached out to hold onto his arm.

"Why were you on my territory?" Greyson said in a low voice that, if I were human, would have made me shiver.

The rogue clicked his tongue and briefly glanced at me.

"The girl, Adriana."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. Me? How did this man I've never even seen before know my name?

Greyson let out a deadly growl and pushed me behind him. He stood in a protective stance and I felt his back rumbling from the growls he was emitting.

"What about her?" He sailed in a grave tone.

The rogue smiled and rose a bloody eyebrow.

"Don't you know, Alpha," The rogue mocked Grey. I felt him tense beneath my hands placed on his mid-back.

I glared daggers at the rogue for disrespecting Grey.

"She will lead us all to victory. She will be the one to defeat them and bring the werewolf and other... species, together as one. Adriana will be our hero," he said, sounding weaker.

I stared wide eyed, a billion questions bouncing around my head.

"Defeat who?" Greyson's loud voice boomed. I jumped a bit at the sound but nevertheless looked expectantly at the rogue.

As if we were in a clichè movie, the rogue dropped his head, and suddenly the only pulse in the room was Grey's.

"Mother fuc-"

"Grey," I interrupted, rolling my eyes. He huffed and ran a hand through his sexy hair.

Woah- I really just thought that. Wow. No regrets.

"How are you not panicking?" Greyson asked incredulously. He turned towards me an pulled me close to him in a huge embrace.

How am I not panicking? I hugged Greyson an then pushed him way, earning a playful growl. I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"C'mon. We should go write down what he said," I told him. Grey nodded with dark eyes and pulled me in for another hug. His arms were around my shoulders, and my face was nuzzled in his chest. His heartbeat sped up just a tiny bit, and he squeezed me tighter.

He finally let go and he kept me very close on our way out of the stupid cells. I could never imagine being stuck in here... These poor people must be terrified. The thought made me frown, but I continued silently following Grey.

When we finally got outside, Grey relaxed a little and began walking a little bit slower.

"What does any of that mean?" Greyson mumbled, tugging a hand through his hair again. Something, I noticed, he does a lot when he's stressed.

I pursed my lips in thought.

Could this have anything to do with... My father? Should I tell Greyson about what happened... That night?

"Um... Grey..." I nervously gripped his hand tighter as we entered the pack house.

"Hmm," he hummed in response, leading me to what I assume was his office.

I gathered some confidence and courage, leading Grey to a black leather couch resting against the far wall near a bookcase. We sat down and Grey looked at me expectantly.

"I... When I was four... My um... My dad, he left me a note and then suddenly, he just, he vanished," I struggled to say. I scrunched my eyes together and Greyson rubbed my back soothingly.

"It's ok, you're ok, love," he said. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, pushing me to go on.

"H-Here," I stuttered, partly because of the overwhelming emotions I felt talking about my dad, and partly because of the effect Greyson's lips on my skin had on me.

I pulled out my necklace that was hanging around my throat. It was a golden bullet, engraved with my name. I unscrewed the top and pulled out the letter which hadn't been touched since that night. I read it over, widening my eyes as everything became clear, as if fog were wiped away from my eyes.

I gave it to Grey without hesitation. He watched me curiously, carefully plucking the stupid piece of paper out of my cold hand.

He unfolded it, and began reading.

Greyson's P.o.v

In trembling hands I reread the letter that Adriana gave me.

Dear Princess,

You'll be alright. Everything will work out in the end, okay? I'll be leaving for a long time, and whatever you do, Princess, do not try to find me.

You have to stay strong, because someday, you're going to need that strength. There's something I haven't told you, but I know that you'll figure it out when you're old enough to.

I just have to get right to the point. You are the leader of warriors. You will lead every supernatural being to victory in a battle that will be bloody. You will take a stand against the wicked beings called Death Angels. You must be careful, my dear.

I am not supposed to be telling you any of this, so that is why I must hide. I must leave you to fulfill your destiny, in hopes that you can do what you're meant to.

I know this is a lot to take inside of your sweet, innocent, little head of yours, so keep this letter inside of that special necklace I gave to you.

It'll be safe there.

Read this again when you've become who you're supposed to be, and everything will make sense, alright?

Princess, Mommy can't know about this, so just keep this between you and me.

I'm sorry for how unorganized and short this is, but I'm in a hurry. I must go now, they're coming for me.

One day soon well meet again, but until then, you will have to bear without me.

I love you so much, Princess. Don't ever forget that.

~ Alpha James Dillon

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