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Picture is Greyson, but imagine him however you feel suits him :)

The small outing I had with Greyson last night was amazing, and I actually enjoyed myself, but I could hardly think about that when my brother was literally dragging me down the stairs. I could have used my strength, but I didn't want to scare him, so I just let him drag me.

I let out a groan of annoyance. I may be immortal, but I still sleep. Weird, yeah? I think so.

"Do I have to go?" I groaned whilst Matt continued to drag me until we reached the door where he dropped my arm beside my head he sat on my stomach and put my shoes on for me. I grunted in fake pain.

"Yup. You'll have so much fun!" Matt squealed in a girlish way as he pulled on his own shoes. He put my bag on his back, got his keys, and picked me up bridal style.

"Matt!" I laughed as I clung to his neck. He grinned like a Cheshire cat and walked outside. He carefully removed one of his arms from me and opened the passenger seat. He lightly put me down, but threw my bag at me. I chuckled but caught it. He ran to the other side and we started the treacherous journey to --insert shudder here-- the mall.


"Wait Matt please don't leave me here," I stuck out my bottom lip as he walked me to the front gates. I'd rather be home. On a date with Netflix. I signed internally. I miss Netflix.

"Sorry Dri, but you have to. Your closet is literally so bland I cringed," he said in mock sympathy. I pouted but hugged him back when he hugged me goodbye.

"See ya later," I waved as I walked inside. I breathed out as I saw many people staring at me. I heard whispers and saw their stares, which made me blush as I tried to find a good store.

"Adriana?" I heard Greyson's voice through the crowd, and turned to find him walking through the front doors I had just walked through only moments ago. I felt my face light up when I saw him.

"Hey Grey," I said lightly. The whispers intensified, but I blocked them out and focused on Greyson's amazing hazel eyes. Oops, did I just think that?

"Yeah, I didn't know you'd be starting shopping so soon, you just moved here!" He exclaimed with a smile. I smiled back and shrugged.

"Can you direct me to a nice store?" I asked him quietly, an embarrassed blush resting on my pale cheeks. He chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest smugly.

"Only if you go out dinner again with me tonight, 5:00," he smirked and winked at me. I laughed and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Of course," I smiled. He grinned back and placed his hand around my back and on my hip, making me feel... safe? No, that can't be it...

"This is Aeropostle, love. You'll like it," he chuckled when we stopped walking. I smiled and thanked him. "No problem, if you need any help," he paused and pulled a pen and paper from nowhere and took my hand in his, "then you can just text me," he grinned and when he wrote the last digit, he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it softly, making both of our cheeks heat up.

"I'll see you later, Little One," he whispered in my ear when he wrapped his strong arms around my small frame. I wrapped my arms around his neck and took in his scent of mint and pine, and something else that I can't put my foot on at the moment... I felt his hand slipping the paper into my pocket, and I accidentally let out a small squeak.

"Thanks," I chuckled quietly in his ear. When we let go he winked and walked the opposite direction. Is that normal? Was I flirting? Was he? What was that? I shook those thoughts from my head but my smile remained on my face.

I walked inside the store, hiking my purse into my shoulder.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A middle aged man with minimal spiky black hair and I abnormally green eyes greeted me, smiling weirdly.

"Hi, I'm okay for right now, thank you," I politely declined his offer to help. He eyed me suspiciously but nodded anyways.

"If you need anything, just ask." He walked away after that, but continued to stare at me.

I nodded curtly, turning away and distractedly found some new clothes to wear.

Eventually, the staring became too much, so I bought the few clothes I found and then ran out.

How weird. He made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight. I sighed and shook my head to clear it.

I texted Matt to get me, and he immediately said he'd be right there.

I'll be keeping in touch with you, my doll.

A voice suddenly whispered in my head. I gasped and looked around, but no one was looking at me. Wh... What just happened?


I know, I know, I'm so sorry that the plot isn't really clear right now and I know it's still pretty boring :/ it'll get better, I promise! Sorry again :/
But don't worry, be happy! Please vote, comment, and all that jazz :))


-1111 words
-edited :)

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