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A gentle touch caressed my cheek, tracing along my jawline, up around my ear, my eyebrows, down my nose, and I felt a pause before my lips. Confused, I opened my eyes to see somebody very close to my face. I gave out a yelp and scurried backwards, landing on my butt in a pile of blankets.

"What the f-"

"You should have seen your face!"

"-were you-"

"Oh, that was priceless!"

"-doing!" I finished, pouting as I got up, only to trip over a sheet that had wrapped around my ankle. When I hit the ground, I wasn't worried because I knew I wouldn't feel it anyways.

Any scratch or bruise would heal instantly. Though, that doesn't help with the embarrassment I feel.

Nice one, clutz.

I rolled my eyes and got up again, untangling myself from the sheets as Greyson's booming laughter filled the open air. I guess I fell asleep during Greyson's shower. I snorted at the memory before whacking Greyson upside his head lightly.

"Are you hungry?" He asked wiping an imaginary tear off of his face. I fought back a smile.

"No, not really," I said laughing as he looked at me with incredulous eyes. He watched me curiously for a moment, before I rolled my eyes. "Grey I don't eat," I laughed as he looked at me. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off or something, because he snapped his fingers.

"Oh..." he said slowly. He suddenly grinned and shrugged, grabbing my hand and tugging me downstairs.

Loud chatter filled the open dining room, where Greyson's family sat around a giant oak table, eating and talking to each other.

Greyson walked ahead of me, pulling out a chair for me. I smiled gratefully and sat down, and he sat right next to me.

"Hi Adwi!" Samuel smiled at me. He was sitting right across from me, pancake syrup coating his face. Goodness, that's going to be tough to clean...

"Hi Sammy! Did you sleep well?" I cooed at the adorable toddler. He grinned and nodded.

I almost awed out loud!

I jumped a bit when I felt a hand on my thigh... very high up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grey smirking. Hmm.. two can play at that game. I laced our fingers together, and rose his hand just a tad bit higher. His brow arched, and he looked shock at my move of boldness. He wasn't quite touching... up there... but I know he was thinking about that.

"Greyson, honey, what's the matter? You look a bit flushed," Greyson's mom stopped talking to her husband about new carpeting to point out Grey's flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. Greyson blushed harder and removed his hand, tucking them behind his back.

"I'm fine Mom, thanks," he muttered looking down at his lap. I stifle a laugh and instead take a bite of the delicious chicken leg that Grey snuck onto my plate which still had a little blood in it. I didn't want to scare Samuel.

I smelled another scent coming close, approximately 250 yards away. I immediately stood up, my chair flying backwards. Everybody's eyed were on me as my fangs elongated without my permission and my eyes blazed many different colors at once before settling on red.

"Alpha Greyson!" A man ran in, sweat pouring down his cheeks and forehead, and a wild look in his eyes. "Rogues! They've crossed into our territory, we killed them off and kept two for questioning," he panted. A little drop of blood ran from the top of his bare arm to his wrist, where it dropped onto the floor.

My eyes darkened and I squeezed the wooden table tightly to keep from running out.

I just had blood, what's the matter with me?!

I grit my teeth together in a feeble attempt to keep my fangs at bay.

Greyson noticed my discomfort, picked up my chair, and gently placed his hand on mine, pulling me down. It calmed me down a lot, surprisingly. I felt my eyes change back to their normal colour.

"I'll go down the cells this afternoon. Make sure they're separated and can't communicate," Greyson said calmly, slowly rubbing my thigh.

I fought off a blush, now completely in control of my thirst.

"Yes Alpha," he nodded in understanding before rushing out.

Before he did though, he threw me a weird look. Hmm.

"I'm so sorry, Grey. I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again," I promised him, stinking out my pinky.

He laughed and pinched my cheek, linking his larger pinky with mine.

"It's alright, Little Red. It's instinct, you can't control what your body wants," he whispered the last part in my ear slowly. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

My eyes widened and I looked over at him in shock as he took his pinky away, grabbing my hand instead.

He didn't look at me, instead stared at his food with a smirk plastered on his smug face.

"That was cool, Adwi! I didn't know your eyes couwd change cowors!" Sammy said as he ate another piece of French toast. I smiled worriedly and nodded.

I was so glad he didn't get freaked out.

"Can you do it again?" He asked with wide eyes. He licked the syrup off of his fingers and looked at me expectantly. How could you say no to those puppy-dog eyes?

"Sure thing," I said.

I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of them changing colours, what they would look like. I opened my eyes when I felt I was ready.

"Wow! Adwi! Your eyes are rainbow!" Sammy exclaimed. He grinned at his mom before going back to eating.

I blinked once and felt that my eyes were back to normal.

"Thats a cool little skill you have there, Little Red," Greyson said, rubbing my thigh again.

I felt a little bit of pride from his words, and I blushed slightly.

Then, I got to thinking. If he can tease me, I should do it back, yeah? It's only fair.

"You have no idea, Grey. You have no idea just what I can do," I said in the best seductive voice I could. Quietly of course, his parents were sitting with us obviously.

His eyes darkened again, and he lightly gripped my leg.

"Your affect on me is astounding, Little Red. Game on."

This is important!!!!


Hi :) I was just wondering if you guys liked my story so far? It would mean so much to me if you commented some feedback or just commented whatever you wanted :) thank you!! I know the plot isn't really that noticeable yet I'm just getting the characters all introduced before I start anything :) Thank you again, and until next time,

~ K

(I just read this over again and I am so sorry this is so short)

All For YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon