Never Again... I Promise (Finale)

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Sans gave a small chuckle before tightening his grip on you slightly. "i didn't do nothin'. i actually need to talk with you though (Y/N)."

A confused frown now adorned your face which Sans was unable to see. "Are you okay?"

"it's nothing like that... i just gotta get something off my chest is all. we'll talk on the surface."

You gave a small chuckle at his pun before nodding and the two of you slowly pulled apart. The other monsters who were still chatting quickly turned to face your gaze, becoming silent and watching you intently.

"Ready to depart everyone?" Asgore asked curiously.

All of the monsters and you nodded at Asgore's question before he gave a nod and turned towards the light pouring in from the surface, your group quickly following behind.

When all of you emerged the sight of a beautiful sunset left everyone in aw.

"It's such a magnificent sight..." Asgore said in shock.

Toriel gave a small teary laugh. "It is quite beautiful, isn't it?"

"SANS! WHAT IS THAT GLOWING BALL IN THE SKY?" Papyrus asked with a child-like curiosity, making you grin at how much innocence Sans' brother seemed to have and somehow keep.

"that is what we call 'the sun', bro..."


A small giggle escaped your lips at everyone's astonished looks. You could feel your chest fill with happiness as tears began to build in your eyes.

"(Y/N)," Your gaze went to Undyne's smiling face who was holding hands with Alphys. "you live with this? The sun is so warm and the air is so fresh! I feel so alive!"

"Well, now we must come up with a plan." Asgore spoke before turning from the dazzling scenery to you with a soft smile. "The human's won't trust us as easily at first. I have a favor to ask for all of the monsters if you will please speak for us."

"Wait, so... like an ambassador for humans?" You ask in slight confusion.

He gave a nod. "Exactly! It would help gain the human's trust if you were to be on our side and speak on behalf of our part. Will you do it?"

There wasn't much of a choice, was there? Of course you were going to help your friends re-adapt themselves to the surface! Plus, a human ambassador for a young teenager? Sounds like an amazing title and a step up for college as well.

You gave a bright smile before nodding. "It would be an honor King Asgore."


In a blink the overly excited skeleton ran off while yelling, "TIME TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION!!!"

"Papyrus! Wait up!" Undyne shouted before racing after him with Alphys following quickly behind them.

Someone Really Cares About You...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora