Chapter One

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Raine's P.O.V

My mornings usually consisted of the same things. Waking up, Eating breakfast and going to school. But today was different. Today I had a funny feeling in my midsection. I had butterflies, but if you ask me why, I wouldn't know. I dressed as usual, and I caught my bus like normal but something kept nagging at me. I turned on my phone and was greeted with a notification. It was from Instagram.

Suhosbae tagged you in a photo.

I wondered what Mai wanted this time. Mai was my best friend since 6th grade. We met in a pen-pal program at school. I clicked on the link and smiled. It was a picture of her smiling holding the peace sign. I liked it and read the description. 

Suhosbae: I nominate @sehunxlay to the 10 day selfie challenge. For 10 days you must post a picture of yourself on your fan account, one pic per day. 

Suhunxlay: What did you do?? >-< I'm so ugly

Suhosbae: Nah girl your so pretty. Come on please?? Do it with me!

Sehunxlay: Ugghh... Fine...

Suhosbae: Yay!! I knew it! 

 I closed Instagram and decided to wait until I got to school to post my first picture. 

-Later on that day-

I glanced at the clock suspending from the bland, white walls. It seemed like the little hands would never reach 11:00. I focused my attention back on Mrs. King, my English teacher. She droned on and on about nothing. Instead of boring myself to death I slowly snatched my notebook from my bag and started doodling in it. I drew a heart and smiled. I quickly penned in RP + OS. When the clock finally turned to 11:00 I dashed out of the class room to the cafeteria. I wasn't worried about eating. I wanted to meet up with Luna, one of my other best friends. When I saw her funky purple hair tied up in a messy bun, I made my over to her only to find she was in line getting lunch. She saw me and waved me over, Despite the grumbles of the 20 hungry students behind us. 

"Hey," She said. "I saw your Instagram post, When are you going to take the selfie for today?" I shrugged. 

"I don't know, after PE. I don't want to do it now, I always look either stressed or sweaty. I'll be able to freshen up." She nodded in approval. We eventually got our lunch and sat down at our usual table. We small talked as we were eating. The half hour lunch bell rang signaling that it was time for PE. When we arrived at the Gym, many of the other girls were dressed in their uniform and warming up. We quickly dashed into the locker room and dressed into our uniforms. I've always felt self conscious in the short shorts that barely reach mid-thigh. I grabbed a hair band and quickly threw my hair into a ponytail. Luna and I jogged out into the Gym just in time, the teacher just walked out of her office. 

"Nice of you to join us ladies!" She said blowing her whistle calling the rest of the girls into the big circle, signaling the start of class. 

After PE Class

After PE, I hopped in the showers and managed to wash and get dressed in time to take a selfie and make it to my next class, Biology. Luna and I were in the same class, so she decided to wait and help me take my selfie. I stood in front of the tall mirror and snapped the picture. I show'd it to Luna. She shook her head and said to re-take it. This time she helped me angle my phone to the side. She fixed my hair and instructed me to snap the picture. I heard the click and looked at the camera. I gasped. 

"What? Is something wrong?" I shook my head.

"No! I just don't recognize myself. I look like a totally different girl!"

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