Moreid: were having TRIPLETS?! pt 1

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"" Reid stammered squeezing Garcia.
"Hey beautiful, you can do this. If he breaks your water now, labor will go by faster and your babies will be here."
Garcia whispers into his ear.

He could feel his boyfriend roll up his nightgown and stick something inside him.

"I just want to push." He murmurs into Garcias mammoth sized tits.

"I'm sorry baby, you can't until you're at least 8 and a half centimeters." Morgan says.

Reid moans.
Suddenly he felt a gush of warm liquid between his legs.

"Oh god I just pissed myself. " he cried.
Garcia couldn't help but giggle.

"No sweet pea that was your water."

"Oh great. " the  doctor groans.

*********5 hours later********

Reid was at least 7 centimeters now and his labor was not going as well as he planned.

"Get it all out honey." Derek says rubbing his boyfriends back who retched into a bucket Garcia held understand his chin.

He vomited at least 5 times before laying back against Morgan.

He could feel his boyfriend tense up entirely as another contraction hit him.

"Ooooooh! I want drugs! Give me drugs!" He yells.

"Sorry honey bunny, you requested an entire natural birth, theres nothing here we can give you. " Garcia says.

Reid throws his head back "UNGHHHHH IT HURTS SO BAD!"

"Do you want to try the tub? I heard that helps." Garcia offers.

"Oh yes, it does," JJ nods.

"I'll go fill it" Morgan nods heading into the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

Reid could hear the rumble of the water.
"Give me your hand." Garcia says.

He offers it and Garcia helps him up and into the bathroom, JJ follows behind them.

"This should help with the contractions a bit" Derek says testing the temperature of the water with his hand.

"It better." Reid hissed.
Morgan gets In the water with his pregnant boyfriend.

Garcia sits on the toliet while JJ sits on the window seat.

Reid sways and breathes gently in the water with Morgan for a good 5 minutes before another contraction caused him to tense up and yell.

"Oh..god! Derek...ohh...god...sweet jesus..unghhhh!"

" its alright." He whispers.

Reid breathes hard as the contraction began to fade.

"There's so much pressure down there...oh god...I...I feel like I need to push...Derek I need to push." He began to bare down into a push.

"Woah woah woah wait Spence...I need to see if you're able to." Derek says.

Derek gets out to put on rubber gloves and to check Spencer.
"You...are 9 centimeters. " Morgan announced.

"Okay baby okay, push" Morgan says.

Spencer gives a big push, squeezing Dereks hand tight.

"Once I can feel the baby's head, we have to get out, I need to be able to see the baby."Derek says as spencer gives another push.

"Ohhhhhhhh!!!!" He yowls.
"I feel the head Spence..we need to move to the bedroom" Derek says.

15 minutes later***********


JJ and Garcia were on either side of Spencer holding his legs and comforting him, while Derek was wearing his gloves, and giving spencer instructions.

"The top of the head is visible Spence, push harder than that." He demanded.

Spencer nods and squeezed JJ's hand.

Garcia held behind his head and lifted it so his chin would touch his chest in another big push.

"Come on Spencer, push." Derek says, rubbing around the babies head.

Spencer screamed mid push.

"You gotta push harder than that." He says.


"Spencer, come on, I know you can. " JJ coos, rubbing Spencers bare leg.

"No...I can't" he squeaks.
"Yes you can honey, just a few more pushes and baby A is here." Garcia whispers planting a single kiss on his sweaty forehead.

Spencer feels another contraction and Curls into a ball.

He pushes with all his might and strength.

"Good job Baby! Hold that push in! " he cries.

Spencer shakes like a leaf and his face turns so red its almost blue, as he pushes for a good 13 seconds, and began to feel the ring of fire down there in his bum.

"GAHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screams throwing his head back onto the pillow.

"Good job sweet pea."Garcia smiles.

"Push baby, keep pushing."

Spencer pushes again.
He pushes hard.

"Good! Keep pushing! Push! Push! Push! Push! Push! " he chants.

he screams.

And with that the head pops out.

"The heads out! One more big push and the body will slide out. " Derek says.

Spencer gives one last giant push sending the body sliding out into Derek's ready hands.

Derek cuts the cord and lies a screaming baby boy onto the father's chest.

"My baby! Oh my baby!"Spencer bawls kissing the crying baby.

"Baby A born Saturday, March 21st at 3:55am." Derek says cheerfully.

"Oh god hes gorgeous" Garcia cries.

"Good job papa Spence." JJ grins, ear to ear, admiring the two.

"Hes so beautiful. " Spencer bawls tracing the babys tiny palm with his massive finger.

The crying baby clenched his finger with his fist.
"Hi baby, Papa loves you." He sobbed.

(part 2 soon!)

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