"Is that why Calum called me crying?" He responded.  I gulped, my left leg begging to shake as I sat down.

"H-He was crying?"

"Yes, and he said that you were leaving."

I bit the inside of my cheek. This was not how I wanted Luke to find out.

"I wanted to tell you in person." I said, after a brief moment of silence. "I got into UCLA, and I'm leaving in a few weeks."

All I heard was his sniffling, he didn't respond for a while after that. I sat there, listening to him breathe and while I was anxious to know what he was thinking, the sound was comforting.

I had gotten off the bus a stop earlier, wanting to walk as the bus got too stuffy and overbearing for me. I couldn't breathe and needed fresh air.

"I don't think I am ready for you to leave." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry Luke." It was all I could muster up to say.

"I had already lost you once, I don't know if I could do that again." He said, much clearer this time. I knew he was referring back to that stupid bet Calum and him had made years back. From my knowledge, Luke had liked me first, for the longest time, but then Calum and I had kissed, and the rest of it was history.

"You never lost me." I told him, digging for keys to enter my house. My mom's car was not parked out front, so I assumed I was in the clear.

"I'm not talking about it in that way." He responded.

"I know." I began walking up the stairs, passing my brothers bedroom. The phone as pressed in between my ear and my shoulder, as I looked for the keys to my room. I often kept locked due to my brother always sneaking in to taken stuff.

"The doors open." I heard Luke say. I looked at my phone, turning the knob to see him lying on my bed. He looked at me and I couldn't help but smile. "You can hang up the phone Scar."

I chuckled, pressing the red end button. "Well you could have told me you were at my house. How did you even get in?

"Chris. I had came after Calum's phone call to check on you but you weren't home so I just waited."

"Yeah, for almost an hour." I chuckled mid-sentence. We just looked at each other for what seemed like forever, just grinning like fools. "You never lost me." I assured him. Calum may have won my heart but Luke was always special to me. I cared for each of them differently.

"You were the one that got away." He confessed. "The girl of my dreams falls in love with my best friend. Saddest cliché ever."

"It normally makes for a good plot line." I joked, taking everything he had just said in. I lied right next to him, on my side to face him.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"You know I was supposed to bring into the closet that day." I admitted. "It was between you and Calum, and its weird because you were and always have been the ideal guy, but I still chose Cal. Maybe for the risk of the all. Because I knew that everything was going to be crazy, as crazy type love. A love thats painful, devastating, at times even difficult. But it was also life-changing, extraordinary. I knew that I would get that would Calum."

"Love isn't suppose to be like that Scar. It shouldn't hurt. Not in the way it has hurt you." He responded.

"I know, I know, but thats all I have ever been exposed to." I referenced my parents and growing up. Everything was complicated and I thought that was all I was ever destined for. "With you, I knew that things would not be complicated. I know you would have made me feel safe, secure. And while thats all nice Luke, its quite scary."

"Why so?"

"Because something that good could easily be taken away from me, at any time. Thats not the kind of thing I'm ready to lose." I wiped the brim of my eye.

"Well you'll always have a world of chances when it comes to me. When you're ready for that sort of love." He nudged me.

"Oh c'mon Luke, you're going to find a beautiful girl who's just as amazing as me. You just as dorky as you. I promise." I put up my pinky

He rolled his eyes, but latched his pinky on anyways. "Not possible. You're the best the world has to offer."

I grinned, thanking him. My face flushed, the first time out of happiness and not of anger. I couldn't muster up the courage to look at Luke without possibly blushing.

"I—" Luke started to say, but I cut him off, leaning over and pressing my lips onto his. Everything was calm, soothing, as if everything in life was finally stable. The world sort of stopped, but I wasn't scared. I wasn't holding my breath. He smiled into the kiss and I couldn't help but do the same.

"I know. I know you do." I told him, knowing that he doesn't have say he loved me. He looked at me, pushing my hair out of my face and placing a kiss on my forehead. I moved myself closer to him, placing my head next to his heart. His chin rested on my temple and he sighed.

"I'm coming because I need to find you
Is anybody there who can rescue
somebody like me?" He mumbled.

"He's a lost boy." I responded. I thought he was onto something and that could possibly be a great song. He nodded, pulling me in closer.

And we lied there, all night, sleeping, talking, even adding more to the song.

And this new dynamic felt weird, but not wrong.

wow im a fucking mess, i havent updated in a whole year because wow i dont even know but im gonna try more now im a mess im sorry.

hope you guys enjoyed, and i have already starting writing the sequel.

twitter: @PLVTONIC

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