The Devil's Angel - Chapter 28

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"Can't you put her down for one moment?"

Groaning, I lingered on the kiss. It was futile. Zeke's voice was like a bucket of cold water and had effectively broken the moment. It appeared that every moment shared with my husband-to-be would be spoiled by an interruption of some kind. It was the price of having a large family that did not understand the concept of boundaries.

Opening my eyes, I turned to glare at the smirking Angel as he stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms folded across his chest. As he stood there, I could see the similarities between the angels and fallen for the first time. They all seemed to like that pose whenever they wanted to mock the pair of us. And sure enough a moment later he opened his mouth.

"I'll give you two a moment to tidy yourselves up and then we'll meet you downstairs." Zeke stated with a smirk on his lips.

He chuckled when Lucius cussed. It cut of abruptly when he was forced to duck as a moment later there was a loud thump when one of my shoes hit the door just a scant inch from his head.

"Don't shoot the messenger. We just need to discuss some things before you both head on your little vacation." With a lofty wave of his hand, Zeke departed as swiftly as he had arrived.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and rested my forehead on Lucius' chest, inhaling his scent to try and calm my nerves.


Ten minutes later found us all in the living room.

Sitting down on the sofa, Lucius on one side and Danny on the other, I stared over at Gabriel and Zeke.

Gabriel was ramrod straight and perched on the very edge of his chair. Dressed in the suits he favoured so much, he appeared cold and aloof because his eyes were looking anywhere but at the three of us. His jaw was clenched tight and no matter how much he tried to mask it, I could see the evidence of his pain.

I held back a sigh. It was terrible to see him suffering so much, especially when their news was enough to make me want to dance with joy.

"You're not taking him back with you?" I asked, thinking I had heard wrong but desperate for the answer to be the one I wanted.

"No, we are not. The immediate threat is over. Danny needs his mother for now." Gabriel advised, finally allowing his gaze to drop down and meet mine before his morose gaze stared sadly at the little boy in my hold. "When he is sixteen he will need to come back for training. He is the son of an archangel and because of that he is destined for many great things."

I looked down at the snoozing boy and shook my head. "I just want him to have a happy life. I don't want him to face the things I have done."

"He is Nephilim. He was never going to be destined for a normal life." Gabriel replied solemnly, his own eyes reflecting my fears – the fears of a parent. "He will have to face his destiny whether he likes it or not, just as I have to face mine and you yours."

"That doesn't make it any easier."

"It wasn't meant to." He replied evenly.

I laughed sadly, wiping a hand to capture the tears which had fallen from my eyes.

"Will we see you again?" I asked as I stroked my fingers through Danny's hair, for my own comfort rather than his. "You're not just going to disappear are you? You know that even if I am in a relationship with Lucius you will always be Danny's father. Nothing will ever change that."

The Archangel bowed his head and looked down at his folded hands for several long seconds before looking up once more. A single teardrop leaked from the corner of his eyes and trailed down his cheek. He did not look ashamed of it. Instead he allowed it to trail down his cheek unfettered.

The Devil's Angel (The Devil's Assistant Series Book 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin