[Chapter 29] Back to Old Habits

Start from the beginning


I turned my head and saw Anthony standing in the doorway with a small bouquet of roses.

"Anthony!" I jumped to my feet. "It's not what it looks like!"

He sighed, "I know you didn't want my help, but really? You're already cheating on me? We just got married!"

"I'm not cheating on you, Anthony!"

He threw the bouquet on the ground and stormed off.

"Anthony!" I shouted, throwing my clipboard down on the ground and running after him. He was waiting for the elevator when I reached him. "Please let me explain."

"Explain what?" He glanced over at me, hatred was written all over his face. "Explain that the girl I gave up everything for goes back to work and makes out with some random patient?"

"He wasn't a random patient! He was my ex!" I gasped, realizing I shouldn't have said that, but it was already too late.

"Oh, that just makes this situation a whole lot better!" He crossed his arms and averted his gaze away from me.

"No, Anthony. He's my ex, and just like you say Kalel is, he's a thing of my past."

"Hey, I'm the one who's been faithful and hasn't been making out with mine."

"You're not letting me explain this!"

"EXPLAIN IT!" He shouted. I stepped back in fright. "Explain this whole fucking situation from your fucking point of view."

"He kissed me." I remarked. "He was the one who started flirting. He was the one who didn't understand that I was married!"

"You're full of bull shit, Genny." I tried to speak, but he just kept ranting and ranting. "I come to visit you at work like the good husband I am, and I find my wife making out with a patient."

"The kiss didn't even last for more than a second!"

"Shut the fuck up and let me talk!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes, he was being so irrational. "Do you realize what I've given up to make you happy? Fucking everything. The wonderful girlfriend I had, the nice house I lived in, the freedom of being a young adult who happens to be successful. You and Ash have been bringing me down ever since I found out!"

I was in tears. I couldn't believe the stuff coming out of his mouth.

"What do you have to say about that?" He taunted.

I shook my head, "I thought you wanted this, Anthony. You were the one always convincing me that you loved me and wanted to help. But it's clear now that you don't." I pulled the ring of my finger and placed it in his hand, folding his fingers over it. "Your week being a father has lasted way too long. And I've decided I like being a single mother without the help." His eyes glanced down at his hand and back at me. "You can take your stuff and go." I croaked, barely able to finish the sentence. "Live the life you were meant to live." And I turned away, walking shamefully back to the hospital room where I dropped my clipboard.

"What just happened?" Ethan inquired.

I glanced at him and sighed, "My husband and I just called it off." I quietly answered.

"I'm so sorry, Gen. I didn't realize..."

"No, Mr. Reynolds. It's not your fault...he just needed to realize that living with me is a big mistake." A tear fell from my eye and splashed on the report sheet. "Remember, I'm here till three if you need anything." And I stalked out of the room and plopped down at my desk. Resting my elbows on the desk and covering my face with my hands as I began to sob.

-Anthony's POV-

I unfolded my fingers and saw the ring I bought her sitting in the palm of my hand. What just happened?

The elevator bell dinged and the doors slid open. I shoved the ring in my pocket and walked into the elevator, pressing the ground floor button. The doors slid shut and I was the only one in the elevator. The quietness was eerie, and it gave me time to think.

I couldn't believe myself. Like I said in my vows, Genny was the nicest person I know. And she was right...I was the one who convinced her I loved her. And she's not the kind of person to cheat on people... Shit, what have I done?

The doors slid open to reveal a family waiting to get on. I stepped out and walked out to my car in the parking garage. I sat in the driver's seat while I stared at the starry night sky that was laid out in front of me, on top of the city line.

I took the ring out of my pocket and stared at it. This was a symbol of our relationship. Our love for each other. And basically, when I gave her this ring, it was my love for her. My loyalty to her. And now she threw it back to me. I sighed, realizing how big of an asshole I was.

I put the ring back in my pocket and drove back to Genny's place.

"Hey!" Ian greeted, putting the laptop down on the couch. "Ash woke up a few times and..." He saw the sadness that filled my heart. "Are you okay?"

I looked up into his eyes and gulped. "Genny just asked me to move out." I pulled her ring from my pocket and held it out to him. His eyes opened wide as he covered his mouth in shock.

Author's Note: Hey guys! This chapter may be a sudden change of events, but hey, the book is called Stubborn Love. So you got to have some problems here and there, right? Well...hope you liked it. Please give me your feedback on it, I really appreciate it!

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