Extra #1

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A/N Sorry it took so long to put this up!!! Remember to let me know if you want any other extra chapters!!!

Melody P.O.V

It's been five years since I turned into a fish. five years since my dad apologized. Damien, Ryan, Luke, and I all went to live on land. I know you may be thinking how can you possibly live on land. Well as soon as we're completely dry we grow legs. To get our tail back we have to be waist deep in salt water. Damien and I had our own little house. He's my boyfriend and we live together. I just wish he could grow a pair and propose. I don't want to end up like my parents who dated for nine years before getting married. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I'm just so deeply in love with him.

When we went to live on land I finished my senior year with them. I've never felt more alive in school. My new hair streaks and eyes just added to my confidence. I don't know what people were more shocked about. It's probably between me talking or having a gorgeous boyfriend. I'll admit I got jealous when girls would stare longingly and lovingly at Damien. Damien was sure to glare at any guy who stared at me too long. I don't know what Damien would have done if one touched me. Sure he is a little overprotective but that just means he cares. 

It's a good thing Tiffany was only temporally under a spell by Trenton's dad. I don't know what I would do if she was one of us. She also didn't remember what happened that day. She was still constantly clinging to Lance. Sure she and Lance still bullied me but Damien stood up for me.

I finally got to meet the famous Luke. He was good to Ryan. He treated her right and was always gentle with her. He also could sing amazing and play guitar really good. I guess some mer- people could sing good. Anyway that's a review of what has happened so lets get to the present......


I fished the house key out of my pocket and opened the door. "Damien I'm home." The strange thing was I didn't hear him. When I walked into the kitchen I saw a note taped to the fridge. The weird thing was so was a letter. M. I took it off the fridge and read the note.

Go to the place where your life began. Meet you there.


I looked at the note funny and pocketed it as well as the letter. My old house was the only place he could mean. I sighed as I walked back out of the house locked the door behind me. Good thing the house isn't far away. I walked down the street and knocked on the door to my fathers house. He opened the door in tears and borough me into a bear hug. I hugged him back only for him to mumble something about me growing up too fast. He then released me handing me a letter and note. He then shut the door and left me outside. Well then. I looked in my hands to find the letter Y. I then read the second note. 

You just missed me try the place where people lied to you. 


People have never lied to me. I started to think hard and thought about what he could mean. Maybe the school. I turned around and walked back to our house to grab the car. Once I got there and grabbed the keys and cranked up the the purple Lamborghini. Yeah my dad got it for me. I raced down the road to the school. The only thought in my head was why in the world was he at the school. When I parked the car and looked at the school in disgust. The place where I was bullied. I started to remember every time someone hurt me here. I walked up to the door only to find another note and letter. E.

Sorry for the memories Mel. Go to the place where your life changed.


That one was easy it was the cave where I turned into a mermaid. I drove to the beach and jumped out of the car in excitement. I still love the beach if not more than before. I ran into the water until it was up to my waist and waited for the change. Bubbles formed around me and wrapped around my legs. Once my beautiful rainbow tail was formed I fell face first in the water. Still working on the transformation. When I was completely underwater the bubbles came up to my chest forming my scale top. I swam around in glee. Man I love swimming! I flicked my tail swimming in the direction of the cave. I swam into the cave only to find another note and the letter R. What is with these letters and locations. It's almost like a savager hunt. Then again I read another note.

Your halfway done beautiful. So this is probably the easiest clue. Now swim to my least favorite place.


Yeah this is the easiest clue. It's obviously Trenton's castle. I swam out of the cave and towards the castle. When I arrived at the front of the castle the I nodded my head at the guards. They then opened the doors for me. I swam in only to be met by Trenton. He smiled one of his famous smiles. "Congratulations Melody." He then handed me a note, the letter M, and a key. I swear I'm going to punch Damien when this is over with.

Man I hate this castle. Anyway go to the place where two innocent people were taken.


He must mean the dungeon where his parents were sent to. I swam to the basement of the castle and to the big steel door. Only to find it locked and remember Trenton gave me a key. Wow sometimes I'm really a blond. I hate the dungeon because it's where we keep him. He wasn't killed just sent to a life in the dungeon. I felt a shiver down my spine as I opened the door. "Hey sweetheart." I cringed and took a deep breath. Just ignore him, I chanted in my head. I looked around only to find the note taped to the cage where Damien's parents were kept. There was a R and note taped to the cage door.

Sorry this was the only other place I could think of. Now I promise you'll find me at the next location. Go to the place where I fell in love with you.


Where he fell in love with me? The bakery! I swam out of the castle as fast as I could making sure to give Trenton the key on the way out. I felt myself swimming faster. I stopped at the door of the bakery only to find another note and letter, A. 

Two words. One big question. Unscramble your letters and come inside.


Lets see I have a M, Y, E, R, M, R, and an A. The only thing I can think of is Marry Me. It makes since though it's two words and a big question. Well I hope I'm right. I pushed the door open only to see Damien down on one knee. I could hardly speak as the tears started to flow. "Yes," I croaked out. He swam to me picking me up and spinning me around. When our lips met I knew I made the right choice. I pulled away and punched him in the arm. "What was that for?!" He exclaimed. 

"For sending me on a little hunt for you when you just could have asked." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well it will only happen once and I wanted it to be special." He mumbled. That's why I love him.

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