Chapter 15

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A/N So I was not going to update tonight truthfully, but then I saw that I now have 6 votes............. My Melodies you convinced me. So here is your treat.




Melody P.O.V


Truthfully I thought nobody would ever some what understand my life. How it feels to be so broken, and lifeless. Yet here I am with Ryan knowing that she felt it too if not worse. After her story it just seems that Trenton is using me. Messing with my heart to try and mess with hers. By the way she talks she is 100% over him. She is always talking about Luke. How his eyes capture her, yada yada yada......... You can see the love struck puppy look in her eyes. If Luke hurts her I might just have to murder him.

One cool fact I learned about her is that in the light her eyes are purple while her tail is white. In the dark her eyes are teal as well as her tail. Awesome right!!!!!!

Sadly I couldn't spend much longer at the bakery. I had to leave before people started searching for me. I wasn't very fond of the idea of seeing Trenton but I knew to keep an open mind. I mean Trenton hasn't told me his side of the story yet. He could have his own reasons for everything. Like maybe he................because............uhhhh.....I can't think at the moment. Everyone had reasons for what they do. After hearing Ryan's side I really want to hear Trenton's side.

Ryan and I talked for a little longer before I said I had to go. She hugged me saying, "You better come back if not for me than for Damien." 

I swam downstairs to say goodbye to Damien. I stopped in my tracks when I saw..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Damien and some blond kissing.

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