Chapter 8

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A/N This chapter will be long and you will meet Damien

Melody P.O.V

I was panicking my head off until she sat up. All my thoughts about his parents being mute were cut short with his dads voice. "Jane what was the vision you saw now?"

"Melody is going to meet a filthy peasant" she screeched.

I whimpered and looked down. What is so bad about peasants? 

Trenton soon answered my question. "They are very.........filthy people, just stay away, okay?"

Since when is he my dad? That was a bad choice of words........ He can't tell me what to do. My stubbornness was just fueling my anger. I just nodded not wanting my thoughts to show my true intentions. I was going to walk around and find this peasant I was suppose to meet.  He smiled at me probably happy that he knows I won't. I had to hide my smirk. I can't believe he fell for it. Maybe this will show him I'm not the delicate person he thinks I am.


It was late at night and everyone was asleep. I didn't really have a good look at my room but oh well. The room can wait the peasant can't. I find it weird that they just judge them. I bet they don't know them all yet. You can't judge a book by it's cover.

I snuck out of the castle, making sure my tail didn't hit anything. Once I was out I took off looking. I stopped moving my tail for a second and thought. How do I know what he looks like? How do I even know it's a he?

I swam away looking in any ally or store widow. I believed I would know who the person was when I saw them. I came across an ally with an old man that looked like my dad. He looked at me and smirked. "Your Parker's daughter right?" 

Parker was my dads name so that's when I started to panic. He knew my dad. I was to scared to move at all. He approached me a grabbed my hand. "He will pay me good money for you." 

You know how much it sucks that you can't scream? I then saw a flash of green. I can only pray that was my savior. The old man was knocked straight off his feet. I didn't have much time to look before someone grabbed my hand. I was flying through the water with this person. They came across a closed bakery and swam in with me.

We came to a sudden stop and that's when I got a good look at the mer-person that saved me. He had brown hair with a forest green tail. Let me tell you those forest green eyes were something. His eyes filled with worry scanning me to see if  I was hurt. It's really amazing that someone could care about me like that. 

He looked at me finally realising I was not hurt. He pulled me into a hug. I really liked it, it made me warm. He smiled really big.

"The names Damien, I have super speed and strength. You can't tell anybody I have two powers or they might hurt me. My cases are very rare..........wait why am I telling you this? I mean I don't even know you yet it feels like I do. Wow I probably sound really stupid sorry......"

I surprised myself by smiling, I hardly ever smile. He just made me feel happy. I knew exactly what he meant. This must be the peasant I was meant to meet. 

"I own this place so you can stay here for now." I smiled at him gratefully. He led me to the back rooms where there was only one bed. He looked down and then at me. 

"Here I'll sleep on the floor make yourself comfortable."

I felt really bad but laid down on the bed. Many thoughts drifted through my head, so many I couldn't count. That when he asked for my name I didn't think much.

"Melody" I replied with quickly, then closing my eyes. I jolted up realising something I just talked.....................After 4 years of being mute I talked.......................................

A/N Omg she talked who was shocked? Cliff hanger......................

Why Me? (A Mermaid Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz