Chapter 14

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As Dio walked, you still in his arms, a voice yelled after the two of you "DIO!" you looked between the gap between Dio's arm and torso to see that it was the red head, you'd never learnt his name.

Dio slowly turned, revealing you in his arms. There was a deathly silence before he strode towards the edge of the roof top. You looked up at him in confusion before he grabbed your wrist, holding you up by it. You cried out in pain, the forcefulness and the strain on your arm was a shock. With a smirk, Dio had a hold of you as you were dangled over the edge, over the trash cans in the alley.

"Approach me and she falls." He stated bluntly, the betrayal and the height caused your heart to sink.

You couldn't stop your eyes from watering up, you could barely see, everything was blurred from the tears in your eyes. Maybe it was just the pain. Maybe it was Dio's decision to threaten someone with your life. Maybe it was both.

"Kakyoin... Do you really want to be the reason she dies?"

Kakyoin? So that was his name...

"Dio!" You cried out again, he didn't even flinch "Please don't do this!" you were begging him for him not to kill you, something you never thought you would have to do.

Kakyoin dared to step closer, causing Dio to let out a sigh and let go of you. You of course, screamed. The tears flew off your face as you fell, why?

Dio even watched you fall...

So many things raced through your mind.

Self loathing.
Maybe the four ha-

Something stopped your fall.

You silently turned you head to discover that you were in the arms of The World. What?

Then you realised.

Dio had been bluffing.
That bastard! He could've at least given you a clue instead of making you freak out like that.

Suddenly the world put you down and slammed his fists into the can, probably to fake your collision with the ground.

You were going to kill Dio when you saw him. However, for now, you decided to make your way to behind Kakyoin.

Might as well help that bastard.

First of all, you had to find your way back up. Climb up the drain pipe? Seemed like the best option but you were probably too heavy...

You slammed your fist into your palm when the idea hit you.

Running around to another building, you could see Kakyoin standing there, you had been hiding in the shadows of the alley way. Lucky Dio being a vampire, nighttime was normally the perfect time for saving a person and murdering people.

You dashed across the street to the side of the building Kakyoin was on before manifesting your stand. It crouched down so it was on one knee as you climbed up to stand on a ground floor window sill before jumping onto The Justice's shield. It then thrust it's arm upwards to propel you upwards.

You almost fell over when you landed on the roof but you managed to do a roll. "Stealthy~" you giggled to yourself before sneaking behind Kakyoin. Jojo couldn't help him now...

The Justice stood behind you, waiting to strike...

His chest exploded in front of you.

Blood flying everywhere, even managing to hit you.
You couldn't even scream, you couldn't tell if you were terrified or in awe of what just happened. Was this the real power of Dio's stand?

Dio came to taunt Kakyoin but noticed you, covered in blood splatters. You both stared at each other, wide eyed as Kakyoin let out his last few, raspy breaths.

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