Chapter 11

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(I dunno, this song was playing on repeat as I wrote this, dunno if it really fits with this chapter but it's a nice song. Also, using multiple money signs because I have no idea what country you beautiful people come from~


"Wait right here, darling" Dio spoke softly, leading you to just outside a door. He paused for a moment before looking you up and down "Actually..." He mumbled "You've been stuck in that outfit for a while haven't you?"

"Yeah." You responded, looking down at your plain vest and skinny jeans "Does it really matter?"

"Not unless you think it matters. I have more to worry about than your clothing." He responded bluntly, turning his head to face the door. He looked like he wanted to say something else but was refraining from it.

"Do you want me to get some-"

"Yes." Dio quickly answered, whipping his head back to you "I think before we depart, we need to get you some bare essentials."

Dio stopped for a moment to think "I was going to suggest I come with you but I think with your stand... I think you can be safe enough."

"I'll use whatevers is in my bank account I suppose..." You added, rubbing the back of your head.

"Before you go..." Dio mumbled, quickly going into the room in front of the both of you and emerging with a slightly oversized blue hoodie "...It belonged to one of my victims and I know you most likely hate the idea of that but it's the only way to go back safely. Now, suck it up!"

"...I wasn't going to say no to it, I kinda like it." You responded calmly; it was obvious that Dio didn't really know how to speak other than harshly.

"O-Oh... Well then, get to buying clothes then."

You hastily slipped on the hoodie, tucking your hair back to make sure it would be covered and then pulled the hood up. You quickly jogged off to the exit you had been oh-so desperate to reach and leave your new home. When you opened the doors, the daylight was almost blinding. Before moving forward you stopped to wonder how long you had slept for, your sleeping pattern had truly been destroyed by meeting Dio; you made a mental note to work on adjusting it to work with his.

As you guessed, when you were stolen away by Dio, he hadn't taken you far away from the town. Luckily, the days had started to get colder so you fitted in with your giant hoodie despite the fact your hood was up. You realised you would have to move quickly as people may recognise you. You quickly headed up to the shopping centre, while muttering a checklist of things to do.

"1... Find the ATM.

2. Try to look casual while shopping with a hood up and not look like your gonna steal something.

3. Change into something... I feel kinda gross being in the same clothes for so long.

4. Head back."

You eventually reached an ATM near a good clothing store, you checked your bank account. £/€/$280.

Not a bad amount of money to have, especially for clothes. You decided on leaving £/€/$80 as an emergency fund of sorts. As you took the card out of the machine you praised multiple Gods that you kept your credit card on you at all times, you shoved the money into your pocket as you headed into the clothing store.

It was as busy as ever, perfect, this made it easy to blend in.

Your eyes wandered around the store until they stopped in one thing, a maroon red dress. It caught your attention, a basic red dress with asymmetrical skirt (short at the front, longer at the back).

You checked the price, pretty reasonable, it was cute... perfect. You searched for you size on the racks next to the model that was showing it off. Dresses weren't a normality for you but hey, you were on a shopping spree.

With that, you were off, rushing around the shop and picking out various items of clothing and shoes.

In between bursts of excitement for seeing various pieces of clothing, you could've sworn you were being watched. However, every time you had the feeling, you brushed it off as you reached out for another item.

After realising the fact you were now carrying a mountain of clothes, you assumed now was a good time to stop picking out clothes and pay for them.

You walked up to the till and dumped the clothes on the counter. The woman behind the till looked at the pile in shock. She began to fold them, scan the tags and put them in bags. "This is quite a pile you have going on here." She chuckled as she put another pair of socks into the bag.

"I need a new wardrobe and I thought that I should go on a spree." You replied, giving a sheepish grin.

"Lucky." She chuckled once again "I wish I had the opportunity to do this... Right, that's £/€/$195."

You quickly paid her, received your change and mumbled a "Thank you" before jogging off.

The sun was beginning to set as you walked out so you briskly walked, taking a short-cut through a small, empty street.

"HEY!" You heard a familiar voice yell, causing you to freeze "...______?"

You sighed as you slowly turned to face your sister.

"______!!" She squealed, jumping at you and giving a tight hug "You... You gotta come home! We go-"

"No." You interrupted with a blunt tone.

"Wha... What do you mean 'no'?"

"Listen, I'm fine, I'm safe... But not if I go home."


"No buts, I have to go home. Tell mum and dad that I'm safe, ok?"

She stayed silent but you could see her start to tear up. You carefully put the bags on the ground and softly took her into an embrace.

She started to quietly sob, talking between gasps "I... We... We miss you... So... So much!" You had no response other than to stroke the back of her head in reassurance.

She sniffled and pulled herself away, rubbing her eyes and accidentally smudging her eyeliner. "No..." She spoke softly "I think I understand but... You know our address... Send us a letter or something. We would like to know your still alive at least."

"...I'll... I'll try." You said, unsure if that was a possibility.

"Thank you... Just... Stay safe." She mumbled before slowly walking off.
With a sigh you picked up your bags and walked in the opposite direction, the sun had fully set at this point. As you turned a corner, Dio was there, leaning against the wall.

"Are you all finished, darling?" He asked, pushing himself off the wall and holding his hand out, awaiting for your response.

You smiled softly, dumping half the bags on his arm. He gave you a dirty, confused look. You giggled and answered the question "Yes but... My arms are tired."

Dio Brando: Foolish ChildTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang