Chapter Five: Theo's Point of View.

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(Ive portrayed Jack to look like Ian Somerhalder.. If you watch The Vampire Diaries imagine him like Damons witty character. Google him if you do not) 

Chapter Five: Theo's Point of View. 

"You're wrong" I moan three hours into our journey and we're already arguing. 

"Are you sure they wont know who you are?" Jack whispers. His tone is filled with worry as he bits his thumb. I can always tell he is nervous when he bits his thumb. 

"No its going to be fine" I say for the ninth time. "No one has seen me as a teenager" I explain he knows this. When I was little my mother made a deal that I would not be photographed as I grew up. It worked out well for me since everyone who is everyone doesn't know me. 

"Your highness we are here" Looking from Andy to the driver he pulls over. Stepping out the car everyone just walks past me some nudge me. It feels good to be out in the open without all the chaos. 

"I think I'm going to like it here" I mumble as we all watch the student life. Jack is already watching girls and of course they are watching him. Jack was always the funny one, witty, charming a ladies girl - unlike me. 

"Me too" Jack whispers as he follows to girls. "I'm going to look for a job" leaving Andy to sort everything out I sneak away from my guardian. 

"You need to sign in your high-" Turning around Andy stops. "Ben remember" I snap as I pull Jack away. 

Andy walks behind us our bags in his hands. Why are people staring? Do they know? 

"Don't worry no one starts half way through that all" Jack explains. I guess he can tell I'm already having a panic attack. 

"Oh that's good" I mumble hiding my worried face. "I am treating this like a holiday" Jack says nudging Andy who smiles back.  

"There" Jack snaps as the reception sign appears. Waiting in the lobby I sit accepting this waiting feeling. I never have to wait for anything if I want something I get it. 

* * * * *  

 We were finally signed in. It didn't take long however it felt as though it did. 

"Who did she think she was? she acted better than everyone else. Who talks to people like that and the gum oh god". 

Jack had been moaning ever since they had been signed in. Andy was been tough and sorted her out by slamming his fist on the desk. She was so shocked her red skin turned white within seconds. 

"Here look a crowd lets go look" 

I rushed towards the crowd of people. They were all staring at something with socked faces. Some looked as though they were going to start crying. 


Turning my face I watched as a man carrying books yelled to the window. Following his eyes to what he was looking at showed a girl. She was trying to get back into the window her skin was pale and shocked. I felt sorry for her she looked terrified even though it was only about 6 feet from the floor. Her Pjs were creased and to be honest she looked crazy however I didn't seem to care. She was beautiful even in that moment her big blue eyes were locked on mine and I knew instantly who she was. I couldn't even hear what people were saying I just knew she was perfect and crazy for trying to kill herself. 

I needed to help her I quickly turned around and ran towards the stairs. I ran back up to the reception and into the nurses room. I could see her turning purple fingers holding onto the window ledge. I jumped to save her hoping I could be the hero of the story. 

"Get my hand" I shouted from the window. She looked at me with her blue eyes there was terror and fright in them. I felt sorry for her to be stuck in the situation. 

She quickly grabbed my hand and with all my might I pulled her up. She was laid on top of me watching me. Her smell was intoxicating she smelt of rich lemons which I  couldn't help but in hail further. 

Her face suddenly turned into anger. 

"Get off me.. i was fine on my own". 

I don't understand why he isn't hugging me right now or maybe thanking me. Instead she is pushing my body of hers I could slowly feel the lemon smell leaving.

"Don't say thank you then" I snapped at her. Looking down she was wearing some bunny Pjs which made me laugh. Her face was covered with fury her arms were crossed and she still wasn't thanking me. 

"Yeah well thank you" She said with a slight whisper. I could hardly hear her i looked down at her Pjs again. 

"When am I ever going to get you looking presentable?" Her mouth poped open and she stormed out the room. 

Passing a nurse who had just came out of no where. 

"Where have you been?" Evie asked the nurse. 

"I'm sorry I just had to take some stuff into storage. I thought you were leaving from the window?". The nurse looked confused. 

"Yeah why were you leaving from the window. There is a perfectly good door here you know" I said. I started to tap the wooden door to remind her where it is. Until the nurse interrupted us. 

"Oh well there are these cute guys down there they were trying to-" The nurse was butted up. Evie had quickly pushed her finger on the nurses lips stopping her from speaking. However i still understood what she meant. 

"Oh that would be.. me then you were hiding from me". My smile grew and i couldn't help walking out with laughter. 

Turning around i saw her giving the nurse a funny look. I couldn't believe it running into her the one girl i wanted. 

"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked me. She caught up with me and we slowly walked.. somewhere. 

"Im here for Uni because the prince - yeah - the prince wanted to come to Uni here" I lied to her. Great way to start a relationship with lies. She studied my face for a little while before replying. 

"Oh really can i meet him?" She asked. My hands were getting clammy as I continued to lie. 

"Um yes of course" I said to her. 

"Thats great i need to go change" She said looking down at herself. How was i getting out of this one.

"Yeah we need to get our room and stuff" I replied to her finally the truth. She looked as though she knew something i didn't which worried me. 

"Well we can meet at the court in 2 hours" She said to me whilst pointing to a small garden. 

"Yes of course. I will introduce you to.. the prince.. you can finally get your shot" I said to her. My voice was croaky as the lies were taking over me. 

"Yes two hours and i will meet the prince" She laughed and walked away. 

"TWO HOURS!" i shouted after her. 

The Secret Prince. (Under Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now