Chapter Two: Evie's Point of View.

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( I've portrayed Evie as Lucy Hale however changed her slightly Google her. )

Chapter Two: Evie's Point of View.

"Wake up Evie its 7 your late" Kim's voice has been ringing my ears for an hour. I always ask myself why I'm never allowed to sleep in. 

"Go away mam I'm sleeping" Rolling over she quickly tries to stop me. Why am I so weak? Opening my tired eyes she sits watching me a large grin on her face. 

"Such a funny one when your tired" She snaps. Dragging my dead body out of bed Kim sits watching me. 

"You need some new Pj's" Kim mumbles. Looking down at the sports bra and boxers I cant help but agree. 

"I don't like wearing them there ugly" I moan. "Yeah well its normal Alex is meeting you at 8" She snaps as she pulls my outfit out. Kim has always been around throughout my three years at college which has worked out well for us. She treats me more like a child than a friend but it helps me get things under control. 

"Yes I know don't remind me" Pulling the clothes onto my body I slop into bed. 

"You need reminding, what would you have done if I never woke you?" She asks. Rolling my eyes I ignore the question for good reason. She knows what would happen if she never woke me up I would never get the chance to show my work. 

"Lets blow past all this. You will get the picture you're an amazing photographer always have been" 

Stopping in my path I hug her tightly knowing she is right. 

"I can do this" I mumble out through the toothpaste. "Just think positive" She explains as I wash my mouth out. Throwing my tatty hair up I rush out the room without saying good bye. 

Sweat building in my palms as I rush around the university. I know I will get the chance photography is my thing everyone knows this always has been. When I took a picture of my town major three years ago I quickly got accepted into Oxford University. This is my chance my only chance to show everyone how good my photos are. 

It is almost 8 - Crap. Running out the class I bump into Alex her messy hair pinned into a calm bun. Her face filled with excitement however also flushed I can tell she is worried. 

"Evie I've been looking for you" She mumbles as she catches her breath. 

"Yeah sorry I'm late I've been looking for you" I lie. Everyone knows she is giving me the ticket to the ball but it hasn't been confirmed hence why I'm freaking out. The butterflies in my stomach are churning and I cant help but take deeper breaths. 

"As I've told you plenty of times your photos are spectacular. I've spoke to the board and a few magazines and they all know who is catching the photo. I'm trusting you Evie this is big thing" She pleads as she hands me the ticket. Its finally mine in my hand the feeling of the ticket between my fingers. I cant help it a large smile spread across my excited face as I jump into the air. A calm smiles shows on her face as she wonders away to find someone new. 

She slowly stops in her path and spins around quickly. 

"Evie please wear something elegant. Don't put your hair into that awful ponytail it looks dead" What? Touching my ponytail I try and contain any self-esteem I have left. 

"Its not that bad" I whisper as I continue to play with it. "Yes it is and your meeting royalty not bob the bartender" She mocks. Turning on her heel she continues to walk away leaving me mortified and feeling ugly. This is great I have a dead ponytail and and ticket to meet royalty. I need a gown - NOW!.

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