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"He's teaching us about aerospace and subzeros.... And other things that's way over my head. Laura, Do you think you can wake up and explain it to me?" I felt like screaming as he said that to me. He held my hand, I felt it, but I couldn't do anything about it. Not when you can't move your body.

"Justin I think you have to go" the doctor said. Voice was rough and deep very easy to tell. I tried to grip his hands but nothing happened. Nothing ever happens.

"Beautiful" the voice said. "Isn't she. She might end up dead but at least she'll be pretty."

Might end up dead. The words lingered in my head as long with the term "mental hospital". I might never see my friends again. I might never talk to them again. Probably die in 10 minutes. I started to panic. I heard the moving of the chains they put on my bed to hold me down the first day. I can't remember who wanted me here in what I'm guessing is a Mental hospital. I started to think about the words that keeps recurring in my mind. Soon everything went off and the fatal "sleep" took over my body.

I woke up, eyes open this time, in a different​ room with a different bed and different people. Different everything. I felt like something bad was going to happen. To everyone I really loved. Who cared about me. Who I'll meet. And whoever is around me. It took me a moment to realize that I was awake. Moving. Thinking. I sit up and felt the cold shackles on my hands and feet. Great, the moment you wake up outta coma your chained to the bed like before. I shake the chains and wiggled on the bed to get some type of leverage. No result. The closest I can get to standing up is the sitting position. I look around to see a girl in the next glass room to the right of mine. Sleeping? She's really sleeping in a place like this or she might be in coma like I have just moments ago.

"vous tous mourrez" she said in a soft tone. It sounded French. "vous tous mourrez?" I said to myself.

"i don't know what the hell she is saying" I heard a voice from the glass cell to my left. I was a boy my age. Scruffy blonde hair, ragged clothes." She's been whispering that for weeks"

I glared at him. I wasn't gonna talk yet and I didn't have to. He sat on the floor. No chains. No bed. Just him. In that room. The odd thing is that the rooms was glass. One wall was brick and it celled us off from the outside. The others were all thick glass with little holes for air to come through.

"Welcome to your new home" the boy said to me as I looked at him again. New home? I can't stay here? He must have saw the confusion on my face cuz he laughed a little. "You didn't think you were leaving this place did you? This place will make you wish it was mental hospital" He said.

"So where the hell am I if this isn't a mental hospital?" I said as I moved my chains. "Who are you, who is she and how do I get out." I wanted answers to all the damn questions in my head. I needed to know how I can get to my friends.

"I am Ross, she is rydel my sister. And I'm damn sure there is no way out."

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