The Past and The Presents

Start from the beginning

"C'mon! Let's go! The others are waiting for us!" A boy yelled.

His name was Jason if she recalled correctly.

"Wait up!" A girl yelled back, annoyance obviously tinted in her voice.

Her name was Cana if she recalled correctly.

It was the end of another day in elementary school and majority of the students made their way to the baseball field for a round of fun. It didn't matter. As a matter of fact, very little did ever since he left. He didn't even say a goodbye. Not a word, not a letter, not a thing. Just gone.

"Stupid Natsu." She mumbled under her breath.

Her stubby little fingers ran along the sides of the pages of the book she forgot to return to Igneel. Her face heats up as she recalled holding hands with the boy. Towards the end of the page, she cuts herself. Her hands recoiled upon instinct and she put it in her mouth.


She looks up, a little taken aback by the sudden aproach.

"Take it." The boy from before urges her to accept the band-aid at hand.

A little hesitant, she takes it.


As soon as she does, the girl from before called out.

"Jason! What are you doing?! Let's go!"

So she did recall correctly.

"I know! I'm coming!" The boy shouts, directing it to the girl before turning back to her, "Bye."


Lucy successfully completes the basic salutations and awes at that fact, however, the girl who was at the door glares coldly at her, causing her to recoil back to her shell.

The next day, the boy goes to her again.



She was still not used to it, but he was determined to make that change. A certain girl, on the other hand, was not.

After a few days, the girl drags her to a corner.

"Do you like Jason?" The girl asks Lucy.

"Like?" Lucy blinks at the word.

It wasn't foreign, she just didn't see the connection.

"I'm asking if you love him!" The girl raises her voice, slightly annoyed.

"No." Lucy answered indifferently.

She wasn't being rude, she was just honest and Cana liked that.

She laughs.

"I see. Well, I do."

Lucy blushes.

"You do?"

"Yep, I do." Cana confirms confidently.

"But how do you know if you do?" Lucy asks, getting a little inquisitive.

Cana blinked twice.

"I don't know."

Lucy sweat-drops.


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