9 Year Blank

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Natsu stared at the ceiling of his room. He was lying on his bed with headphones on listening to remixes of his favorite songs. The current song that was playing was Somebody to Love, the remix version featured in Usher's album. It was definitely better than the original version. It has been 9 years since he met the blonde girl. He missed her so much.

He closed his eyes hoping to catch a good nap but snapped his eyes back open when an image of the 7 year old blonde popped into his head again. Urg! She'll definitely look so much more different than that by now! She probably already has some hot and rich boyfriend that I could never compare to… he thought, shooting himself on the foot. Grimacing in pain, he continued to imagine about Lucy and what she would probably be doing by now. Heck, she probably won't even remember me anymore… He shot himself once again on his own foot.

Turning over, he remembered about the faithful day 9 years ago.

"Hey…" Natsu avoided eye contact with Igneel.

"He says he's willing to try the new name Natsu!" Lucy helped him announce.

"Is that so?" Igneel had a gentle and all-knowing expression.

Suddenly, a car screeched to a stop just outside their front porch. Everyone turned to it and a butler stepped out of it.

"Lady Lucy, please come here, your father is worried!" The butler pleaded.

Lucy ducked behind Natsu in her silent way of saying no. Natsu was confused and had no idea what was going on. However, Igneel walked over and picked the blonde girl up in one swift swipe and handed her over to the butler, ignoring all her protests. Natsu raged at his rough handling and ran over yelling for him to release her. What happened next shocked him.

"No!" Lucy yelled, directing at Natsu, "I'm okay, I'm okay. It's okay."

Natsu did not understand the weird look she was giving him until he saw his own hand that had reached into his pocket for the match box. She smiled weakly to reassure him she'll be fine as she let herself be taken away. Natsu frowned sadly at the retreating vehicle, then, when it was completely gone, he turned to Igneel and scowled.

"You called them over didn't you?!"

"And so what if I did?" Igneel confessed without remorse.

"WHY?!" Natsu remembered how the kids back at the park said that her father didn't care about her.

Igneel raised a brow as if that was a stupid question and replied coolly, "It's late and she's at a stranger's place. You should be glad I did not send her back immediately."

With that said, Igneel turned on his heels and walked back into the house, leaving a conflicted Natsu at the porch. Then, as though he forgot something, he turned back and explained.

"We're leaving in 2 days' time, start packing."

Bewildered, Natsu yelled, "WHAT?!"

Igneel sighed, he was tired of the boys questions, " I said I'll give you a new start didn't I? Just changing your name won't help, we're moving."

"B-But, what about your job?!" And Lucy? He quietly added behind.

"I have officially retired today, but don't worry; my bank has enough money to last a lifetime if we spend wisely." He explained lethargically.

"Oh…" That explains why he was back early... Natsu digested.

On the day they moved out, Natsu couldn't help but regret not saying goodbye to Lucy. He'd sneak out of the house whenever he could and would search the park for Lucy, but she never showed. Closing his eyes, he burned the image of the blonde with her beautiful brown double eyelid eyes into his head, not forgetting the smile she wore when she played with his fire. He smiled.

Snapping his eyes back open, he noticed it was evening already. He heard the front door open as he sat up and placed his headphones on the table beside him.

"Igneel!" He called out as he rushed down the stairs to meet the grumpy old man.

For a 70 year old, Igneel was very fit and insisted on working small jobs even though he was retired and Natsu could do nothing to change that old man's mind. Sometimes, when he is bored or free, Natsu would go and help his old man out. But today, what made him so eager was something else.

"Tomorrow, we're gonna visit mum and dad right?!" Natsu did a double take with a big grin on his face.

"*sigh* Yes, yes we are." Igneel confirmed for the third time that day.

Natsu jumped like a crazed man along the corridor yelling, "Yes!" and "Oh Yeah!"

Igneel just shook his head with a small smile on his face as he walked in. At the dining table, Natsu was rushing through his meal as though it would've speed time up for him while Igneel continued eating with composure. Natsu had been itching for this day to come for a very long time now, sure he wants to see his parents but more importantly, he needed a certain blonde in his life.

"So, when are you gonna start High school?" Igneel's gruffy voice penetrated Natsu's train of thoughts quite painfully.

"After the weekends…" He answered gingerly sucking on his chopsticks.

Igneel let out a smirk. They both knew it was a miracle that he even made it to High school and were highly appreciative of it.

When Natsu went to his new elementary school, he was immediately registered as a problematic kid due to his hair color. Things became worse when he beat up a group of kids for insulting Igneel. No one sided with him like Lucy did and he felt like his whole was crashing down. Middle school felt better, he entered a club called FairyTail (weird name he thought) they were heartwarming people. They were mostly just partying all day but it was the most popular club in the school, people looked up to them even though they all had unique hair colors and such. Natsu felt at home with them and was thrilled when he managed to enter the same school as his club mates. But deep down, he still missed Lucy.

"Ah~!" Natsu squealed as he stretched after stepping out of the car.

Igneel looked at the teen with a brow raised. He was so much different from literally one second ago when the car was still moving. Igneel took out the bouquet of flowers and some incense from the car before heading over to the specific gravestones they were there for.

A sudden solemn atmosphere was erected as Natsu knelt in front of the gravestones. Igneel passed the bouquet to Natsu before starting to light the incense. Natsu noticed that the gravestones were quite clean for a 9 year blank but nevertheless swiped the leaves and dust off the stone tablets before placing the bouquet on the slab. He moved a little to the side so that Igneel would have some space to kneel before taking some incense over.

Mum, dad, I'm sorry for not visiting you for over 9 years. It was tough for the first 6 years, but it was fun from then on! I made new friends, new bonds and I made it to the same High school as them! Things are looking up. But, there is still someone I wish to see and be with. We are worlds apart, but I can't help but feel like things are incomplete without her. I sound stupid don't I?

Just then, a gentle breeze caressed his cheeks and he assumed that his parents were telling him to go for it. Smiling gently, he thanked them. He turned to Igneel to see that he was long done and waiting for him. Laughing apologetically, he stood up. Igneel shrugged and started packing. Natsu was about to help when he heard footsteps and looked up, it was someone who was once so important to him he thought he would die without her. But, being there at that moment proved him wrong. The two people stared at each other in disbelief. Igneel noticed the atmosphere and excused himself.

Finally, Natsu spoke, "Lisanna…"

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