Natsu Dragneel

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The soon to be Natsu Dragneel sat in front of two grave stones that read 'Mashiro Takagi' and 'Mashiro Sawako'. They were perfect loving parents. Tsuna recalled how his mother would caress his cheeks and tell him how much she loved him despite his naughty self after he was scolded by his father for fooling around. Or how his father nursed his wounds after he injured himself while trying to master how to ride a bike. His father would often tell him that falling is a part of getting stronger and he would immediately stop crying.

He couldn't help and started to cry but immediately stopped when he heard approaching footsteps. Wiping the tear tracks from his cheeks quickly, he turned and found Lucy standing there like an angel sent by his parents to nurse his hurting heart.

"What did you come for?" Tsuna couldn't help but sound cold and he mentally slapped himself for doing so.

"Uh… Igneel-" Lucy tried explaining but was cut off by Tsuna.

"DON'T MENTION THAT GUYS NAME!" Tsuna couldn't help but burst at that old man's name.

Then, he heard sniffing and immediately turned to see Lucy at the brink of tears.

"Ehhh?! Uh… Uh…" Tsuna desperately tried to find something that would calm her down.

Then, without thinking, he took out a match box from his pocket and made fire. At first, Lucy calmed down a little to see what was he planning to do but immediately started wailing again when she saw him put his finger into the fire.

"Shh… Look." Tsuna comforted.

Slowly calming down, she looked, the fire slowly enveloped his hands and Lucy gasped, but for some reason, rather than looking fierce, the flames seemed calm and elegant. Lucy awed at the sight and reached out to touch it. Tsuna stepped back and told her to wait. After a while of concentrating, he told her to try again, and she did. It was warm and soft, very comforting to the touch, she scoped some of the flame onto her palm and brought it closer to herself but it disappeared the moment it was out of Tsuna's touch. Disappointed, she looked to Tsuna again and was curious on why he looked so shocked.

"What's wrong Tsuna?" Lucy asked.

"N-nothing…" Tsuna hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to ask, "I mean… aren't you… afraid?"

Lucy blinked twice as though that was a stupid question before answering, "No."

Tsuna blushed. She was the first person to treat him as per normal after seeing something this abnormal.

He once knew a girl by the name of Lisanna, they were childhood friends and she would often go over to his house and play. They were happy people, she trusted him and told him all her secrets and he would do the same. After the accident, he realized that he was not only immune to fire but had the ability to control them when he had skin contact with them. He was awed with his own ability and started playing around with them whenever he had the chance and he would use his abnormally strong senses to warn him if anyone was approaching his ward. He was probably too used to Lisanna's company as he did not notice that she entered his ward once while he was playing with fire.

"Ah! Fire!" Lisanna screamed.

"No! Wait!" Tsuna tried to calm her down but he was too late, the nurses and doctors rushed in.

Luckily, he had already put out the fire and the adults just looked around in confusion. Lisanna seemed to have finally calmed down and told the doctors that she must've been seeing things. After the adults left, Lisanna turned to Tsuna and stared with pure hatred in her eyes. Tsuna felt lost and confused.

"W…What?" He asked slowly.

"You're horrible." Lisanna scolded with tears in her eyes.

"Huh?" Tsuna felt so lost he like he couldn't swim back to shore even if he tried.

"You were the one who started the fire weren't you?!" Lisanna accused.

"WHAT?! NO!" Tsuna yelled but immediately covered his mouth and stared at the door to see if any adults were going to charge in again.

Lisanna seemed to be on the same train of thought as she turned to the door as well. Turning back, they both sighed in relief and unison and continued.

"How could you kill your own parents?! That's so inhumane!" Lisanna continued to accuse, ignoring Tsuna's previous denial.

"I'm telling you! I didn't start that fire!" Tsuna continued to fight for his reason in a hushed tone.

"I know you got into a fight with your parents but still! There are things called limits!" Lisanna continued without listening.

Tsuna felt his heart sink. She didn't believe him and he knew that there is no point in telling the truth when the person won't believe him. Without trying anymore, Tsuna's eyes went cold and lifeless as he turned to Lisanna with a smirk and said,

"So what if that is so?"

Turning back to the present, Tsuna saw Lucy still playing with the fire in his hands. Unable to help himself, he smiled a little.

Lucy noticed and asked him, "What's wrong this time?"

Tsuna shook his head and replied with a smile, "Nothing."

Lucy giggled and this time, it was Tsuna's turn to ask what's wrong.

"Nothing, it's just that if your name is really changed to Natsu, it would be a really fitting name." Lucy explained.

Tsuna frowned for a bit and then turned back to the blonde, "You think so?"

"Yeah!" Lucy reassured.

"I guess… I'll give it a try." Tsuna agreed as he tugged his head between his legs that were brought up to his chest. "Natsu Dragneel…" Tsuna tested the name on his tongue. Maybe it won't be too bad to try…

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