"Wow, it's surprisingly decent." Lucy said with astonishment.

"Well, the old man has a lot of free time so he always maintains the place. I help when I can." Natsu explained embarrassingly while scratching his head.

"Yea, sounds like you to leave it to an old man." Lucy teased with a giggle.

"I said I help when I can!" Natsu tried to fight for his pride but Lucy just swiped it aside and sat down on the bed.

She bounced on it to test how soft it was and a satisfactory smile escaped her lips, Natsu let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Satisfactory?" Natsu asked the obvious with pride.

Noticing his tone, she unwilling admitted while waving her hand in the air, "Yeah yeah."

Natsu couldn't help but smile at the fact that they are making normal conversations and not to mention living together. While he was marveling at that fact, Lucy's phone rang and they both jumped at the sudden interruption.

"Hello?" Lucy answered.

Natsu remained quiet and considerately closed her door to give her the privacy she needed. Lucy nodded in his direction to express her appreciation to his action. However, his strong sense of hearing didn't help her much with her privacy since he could still hear her. He couldn't hear the person on the phone though. He had planned to walk further away but her next few words caught his attention.

"Hey Jason." Lucy continued.

Jason? Who's that? That's definitely a boy's name though... don't tell me...

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was invited by a friend to stay at his place."

Oh... I'm a friend... Natsu couldn't help but feel disappointed by the way she put her relationship, but it was definitely better than saying stranger or acquaintance.

"It's fine! He won't do anything like that to me!"

Okay, who the hell is that?! Natsu felt angry at whoever that Jason guy was for doubting him. Then again he would've felt the same. But he felt happy on how Lucy had that trust in him.

"Yeah, I know. I'll pass you the address when I can. Until then please bear with it."

Natsu recalled that he hadn't told Lucy their address and made a mental note to do so later but hesitated when he thought of how she was going to tell Jason about it. Then again, he'll have to when she asks.

"Okay, bye."

Finally... Natsu thought in relief but was taken aback by her next words.

"Yeah, I miss you too."

I miss you? That sounds like some phrase when you're dating someone! Natsu nearly yelled out but made sure he did not do so by covering his mouth with his hands. Even the train of his thoughts had the ability to make him feel sick.

"Hey! Dinner's ready!" Igneel yelled out and shoved Natsu off his train of thoughts.

"Okay!" Lucy made an immediate reply and from the closeness of her voice, he knew she was near her door.

Making a soft run for his room, Natsu made sure Lucy wouldn't catch him eavesdropping. He sat in his room for about 5 minutes to calm down and push the thought of Jason off his head but was evidently useless since the moment he saw Lucy, the thought came back. Taking a deep breath, he decided to try his luck.

"So, who was that just now?" Natsu tried to sound as natural as possible as he took a seat beside the girl.

"It doesn't matter now does it?" Lucy replied looking away from the pinkette.

Natsu raised an eyebrow. Was the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends that sensitive?

"If it doesn't matter then it should be okay if you tell me right?" Natsu tried to press further.

"Why do you want to know?" Lucy shot the boy a look while blushing.

Oh God... Natsu thought. Now, she's embarrassed. I really shouldn't have asked. Natsu mentally slapped himself.

"Don't tell me he's your boyfriend." This time, Natsu's mouth ran without his permission and he mentally strangle, pound and wring himself for shooting himself in the head.

Lucy stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" Natsu asked while continuously staring at his half empty bowl. He must've been stuffing his mouth due to the depression.

"How did you know the caller is a he?" Lucy questioned.

Damnit! He was caught off guard and he didn't want Lucy to know he was eavesdropping on him, after all, he didn't want to destroy the trust she had in him.

"I was just shooting a random guess. Because you were blushing I thought it might've been someone you liked..." Natsu was impressed at how his brain was able to come up with such a good excuse but at the same time pained at predicting it was someone she liked.

"Oh..." Lucy looked away from Natsu again with her deepening red face and he couldn't help but flash a pained expression.

"*Ahem*" Igneel interrupted their conversation after noticing Natsu's expression. "One rule I have in this house is no excessive talking while eating."

"Ah... I'm sorry..." Lucy apologised and looked to Natsu when he stood up and started leaving. "Where are you going?" She asked the retreating boy.

"To take a shower. I've got no appetite today..." The boy replied without looking back.

Lucy turned to look at her food, suddenly finding it a little stale.

"What's the matter? You look... disappointed..." Igneel questioned, finding her reaction abnormal.

"Huh? I do?" Lucy questioned back, also finding her reaction abnormal. "I guess... It's just less fun with lesser people..." That was the best reason Lucy could think of.

That night, Lucy laid on her bed thinking about her conversation with Natsu. She was puzzled at why she felt the need to conceal the fact that she had a boyfriend from Natsu. She used to brag to her friends about how she had a boyfriend and how great he was, but when she thought about telling Natsu about it, her stomach just churned. She couldn't do it. And when Nastu left with a depressing aura, she herself felt bad for not telling him. She felt like she betrayed his trust. She was so confused. She couldn't understand why she felt so conflicted and negative. After an hour of thinking, she decided it was time to rest. Perhaps everything would make sense when she wake up, but deep down, she knew it was too long a shot.

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