I punch him back and we both then start going at it again.

That is, until I hear Jo's light footsteps coming down the stairs.

She's pulling her shirt on as she comes down. She stops at the bottom and her jaw drops, "What are you guys doing?! Stop!" She shouts as she comes running over.

She tries to get inbetween without getting hurt but I see Zayn's fist about to hit her. She flinches but I catch it and throw it down angrily.

"You almost hit her you dick!" I scream at him.

"I-I'm so sorry Josie I didn't mean to I-" he stumbles over his words.

Jo just shakes her head, "What's going on?"

Knowing he was about to unintentionally almost hit her made me want to kick him in his throat but I didn't.

I couldn't even look at him right now.

"Someone say something or I'm outta here!" she exclaims.

No one speaks.

"Fine." she grabs her keys off the counter and tries to walk to the door but I catch her wrist.

"Zayn threatened me in saying he was going to take you away from me." I say.

"I did not!" He yells.

"Yes you did!" I shout back.

"Jo he doesn't deserve you," he turns to her.

"What?" She raises her eyebrows.

"You deserve better!"

I looked down, waiting for her to agree with him.

"Zayn come with me." Harry takes him by his arm and drags him upstairs.

Leaving us all in silence.

Jo looks up at me, "we need to clean up your face," she mumbles quietly.

She leaves the room and comes back with the first aid kit. Walking towards the stairs, she gestures for me to follow up and I do.

We get to the bathroom in our bedroom and she makes me sit down on the closed toilet seat, before wetting a rag and gently wiping my face.

I cringe at some spots but don't say anything. I look up at her, hoping for her to return the eye contact but she doesn't.

She's mad.

I grab her hip with one hand and she still doesn't respond. I frown but don't move it.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper.


Jo then pulls out some type of healing ointment and applies it to my spots. It burned, a lot. But I just held onto her and it wasn't as bad.

She's about to put a tiny bandage on but I stop her, "I don't need that." I say.

She puts it back into the kit before putting the kit away under the sink. While she's in here, she quickly brushes her teeth again.

"Thankyou for that, I love you," I give her a kiss on the cheek. But she just nods and walks out the bathroom.

"Well where's my kiss and love you too?" I say, closing the door behind me.

She doesn't say anything.

"You said you weren't mad!" I exclaim.

"I'm not!" she claims.

"Well then talk," I say.

"Talk about what?! How you got into ANOTHER fight with Zayn? I'd rather not if that's okay with you," she smartly replies.

"It wasn't on purpose!"

She rolls her eyes, "of course it wasn't"

"He asked for it! I was defending us," I exclaim.

"Well Louis you can defend us without getting into a fight with your best mate-"

"He is NOT my best mate." I cut her off.

"You're being childish," she says.

"No I'm not, I'm stating the truth. He will never be my best mate again." I state.

"Great. You see, this is all my fault," she begins to cry.

I rush over and pull her into a tight hug, "No it's not! None of this is your fault, why would you even- don't ever think that."

"Yes it is. If I would've just-"

"It's not your fault. Zayn should be happy for me. He knew how long I wanted to be with you! But instead he's turned against me and now apparently has gained feelings. And all you've done is be you." I say, wiping her tear.

She shows a small smile, before reaching up and capturing my lips on hers. I slowly made her lie down without disconnecting our lips. My body hovered over hers.

She ran her fingers through my hair but then slowly pulled away so our lips were merely touching, "you know.." she starts.

I begin to kiss on her neck.

"My period starts in two days.." she says.

"Yes I know, and?" I mumble against her.

She gently fists my hair and pulls me so we're making eye contact,

"And.. I don't want to wait one more week."


Lol if you didn't get that, she's saying she wants to have sex with him before her period starts.

Yay I'm #200 :O and #222

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Xx

Vote and comment pleasee!

Get me down to the 100s.. like I just want to see it at least, I want to touch it. O.O

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