The Blonde Girl

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Once upon a time, there was a boy by the name of Tsuna. He lived a sheltered life due to his ability. An ability that was abnormal to all humans; the ability to wield fire. He was raised just like any normal kid, parents brought him up as an only child, doted, loved, cared for, until he was 7 years old. He was sleeping just as any other day he would at that time. Then, smoke started invading his lungs and heat too. It was intense but he found it strangely comforting. He ran around the house looking for his parents but there were flames and smoke everywhere. Soon, he could walk no more and collapsed in the middle of the living room of his apartment.

Days later, he woke in the hospital, nurses and doctors awed at how such a young child was able to survive such a deadly fire. His parents died and he was adopted by the very man who found him in the remains of the flame, a man called Igneel. Weird name, he thought but really he wasn't in the mood to think about that, he was still grieving over his loss and well, Igneel wasn't the most comforting person there for being a 60 year old closing into retirement from the fire department and having 0 experiences with kids. Igneel would just prepare food for the day and leave it in the fridge for the boy to heat it up himself to eat before leaving for work. Tsuna on the other hand would just go out and play (his only way to cope with his loss) once Igneel left and made sure he came back before the old man did.

One day, while he was out fooling around, he was hanging out on a tree (literally), he heard a bunch of kids bullying a blonde girl. He strained his ear to pick up their conversation (too lazy to get off the tree) and found the kids voices familiar (they often played there).

"Hey, hey, look who's here? It's the 'Princess'!" Sting teased sarcastically.

"What cha' doing out here alone? Won't your mommy be worried?" Minerval continued the sarcastic game.

"Oh wait! No… I'm sorry, I forgot your mommy died last month and daddy don't care about you…" Sting dealt the heavy blow with fake pity and although he heard no sobbing or crying, Tsuna could taste the saltiness in the air and realized that the girl was quietly crying.

Unable to put his good conscience away, Tsuna hopped down the tree and landed softly onto the grass as though he was weightless.

"Hey, what are you weaklings doing?" He question, voice filled with ice and arrogance.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" Minerval questioned back with the equal amount of venom.

"He's the kid who survived the flames at district 12." Rogue answered for him while continuing to stroke his two cats, Fro and Lector (to be more precise, Lector is Sting's cat). He had been quiet throughout the whole teasing.

"Ah~ The demon kid huh? You really live up to your name don't you? Abnormal pink hair and not to mention to survive a fire outbreak, you're a freak." Sting insulted as he stuck a finger out reinforcing that the term 'freak' was directed at him.

"So?" Tsuna stood firm with his legs separated, hands crossed and a poker face, "At least I have true power unlike you weaklings who gather in a group just to fake power."

Pissed, Sting went into a battle stance, ready to pound the boy, but Minerval put a hand forward to tell him not to. There was an eerie silence that followed.

"Let's go." Rogue suggested, breaking the silence in the process.

"But-" Sting tried to argue but was cut off by Rogue's persistently cold tone.

"Now." Rogue left no space for argument.

Turning around to give one last glare at the pink haired boy, Sting left with Minerval and Rogue.

Turning around to leave, Tsuna was stopped when the blonde haired girl whimpered out a, "Thank you..."

The boy turned to face her and as though he had never seen a girl before and he blushed as he saw the beauty in front of him. Her fringe was a little disorientated due to what he guessed is her roughly wiping her tears away, but it could not hide her beautiful brown eyes. Her cheeks were stained in pink as she was a shy person and she did not know how to thank her savior. Tsuna just assumed that the 'stain' was just due to the sunset.

"A-Ah…" Tsuna tried to reply as cool as possible but found it impossible to stray his eyes away from her face. Then, an image of a certain silver haired purple eyed girl invaded his head and he immediately looked away from her.

He turned around and ran away, as far as he possibly could from the girl.

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