Not the last you'll hear of me

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I walked to back to my locker with Sara and Max.
My locker was near a bulletin board so I saw a note attached to it in red marker so I read it aloud to Max and Sara,

"Cheerleaders are ick, and their going to get sick!  ~A Friend."

"What?" Max pulled the note from my hands. I shrugged and crossed my arms.

"Yea, who would hate cheerleaders?" Sara peeked over Max's shoulder to get a glimpse of the note.

Quinn walked past us and we showed her the note.

"What? Sick? I'll tell Holly! We should meet in the gym after hours to discuss this, meet you at 8pm!" She ran down the hall to Holly.

"Cheerleaders! Meeting on the field in 5 minutes!" Coach yelled through out the whole hall. We all headed to the field to the meeting. We sat on the bleachers and listened to Coach.

"Okay, We have a jock ball coming up! We want a football player to go with a cheerleader so football players get asking!" She told us. The football players ran over to us and started asking others to the ball.

I looked and saw Quinn get asked out by John and Holly get asked out by Wes. I then, saw Carter talking to Claire. She gave him a hug and he pushed her off and walked over to me.

"Hey, what was that all about?" I asked him with my arms crossed.

"She asked me out to the ball and gave me a hug which I said no to. So, do you wanna go with me?" He asked. I kissed him and we sat down on the bleachers. Coach approached us though.

"Val, why aren't you going with Max? Aren't you two the star item of this high school?" She laughed.

"Not anymore." I pointed to him kissing Violet. She sighed and put her head into her pointer finger and thumb.

"What's wrong?" Carter asked her. She brushed her hair back with her palms.

"Max wants Kara. I'm so sorry! I just remembered him telling Steve. I can't believe I would ask about him to you. He obviously didn't ask Violet." Coach sits down next to us.

Then, I looked around again and saw Sara making out with Steve.
I guess their at it again.

Kara was crying in the corner of the bleachers so Carter and I walked over to her.

"You okay?" I asked her, putting a hand on her shoulder for support.

"No, Max asked me out to the ball. I was mean to you before for Max but I'm now your friend and I could never do that to you." She sobbed in her hands.

"Say yes." I encouraged her. She told Max yes and they have each other a small kiss, but Violet saw it.

"Max! I thought we were together!" Violet shoved Kara off Max.

"Violet, I told you that we were done so we are!" max left the scene. And Eventually, everyone left.

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