Skyzan OneShot

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A/N Yo so I've liked the idea of this ship for a while so when WriterInMySoul suggested this I felt the need to write it! Enjoy! Also lets pretend Adlesa is not a thing b/c it works better for my story. Lets also say that Adam has a girlfriend named Ella right now.

Max P.O.V

I woke up groggily this morning, stretching and hearing cars speed down the road in front of my apartment. Today I was filming a surprise video with Adam and I was quite excited, not sure why. Once I got ready and ate I was out the door for work. 

As I arrived I saw Adam pacing around my office.

"What's up?" I asked him?

"Oh just waiting for you and Red, he should be here any minute." He smiled.

"Cool, I'll start setting up." I said as a walked towards my office. God his smile was so cute when he smiled. Wait what? I've never realized I could possibly like him. But I mean it's not like he'll ever like me, Ella is way too overprotective, not that she could beat me. 

As soon as I turned on my computer I received a Skype call from Adam and I quickly accepted.

"Yo, Red will be here in 5." He said.

"Thats cool, so what server will we be playing on?" I asked.

"" He replied.

"Where have I heard that server name before?" I questioned him.

"Nowhere." He shot back.

Once Red get to the office he joined the Skype call and we started the video.

-Time Skip to 6:26 in Adam's video "THE CHRONICLES OF MAD DAD MAX! | Minecraft Mini-Game X-RUN! /w Facecam"

Adam P.O.V

I felt myself flush with anger as I hear my office door open. Max stood there slowly walking towards me. I let out a girly scream as he started talking into my mic. 

I started blushing uncontrollably at the sight of him. He wasn't acting mean but he was acting overprotective in a very silly way. He grasped my shoulder and started the father like character again.

"Alright son do- The Thing." He said.

"THE THIIIIIIING!" I shouted trying to make a jump but overall failing.

Max got up and just walked out without another word.

-----------time jump-----------

I walked to Max's desk to see if he wanted to go to Michaels. His face lit up and he told me about the Yarny he wanted to make. I chuckled at his kid like excitement and his face made a more stern face. I went back to my office and grabbed my vlogging camera. Unfortunately it was dead so I had to vlog on my phone.

We started walking and I made my occasional puns on Mad and Sad Max that I knew would piss off Max. When we reached Michaels Max's hunt for yarn began and we looked aisle after aisle after aisle and we finally found yarn for him. When we started looking for some rubber bands for a challenge I found a hand that I thought would be fun to use to piss off Max. I went off to give him a high five with my new hand. He quickly took it and slapped my butt with it. I blushed uncontrollably but luckily I wasn't filming my face. 

When we returned to the office and were a bit ahead of schedule. Barney didn't pack us too tight so I had time to just sit on the couch and check Instagram and Twitter. Max saw me and walked over to sit next to me. 

"Hey," he started, "I'm sorry about Michaels, I mean I hope you don't mind -"

"You're fine." I laughed. I put my arm around him. "We're friends."

He started to lean back but suddenly Emma walked in astonished. 

"Adam are you serious?" She said, " I mean I know you fucking talk about him 24/7 but I din't realized you had a little fucking crush on him!"

"Ella, it's okay," Max tried to add in but I stopped him.

"You know Ella, you're right I DO have a little crush on Max. I think we should break it off."

"Consider it over!" She screamed and walked out.

I looked at Max with hopeful eyes and he was already looking at me. 

"Yo, I'm sorry if you don't-"

Before I finished our lips crashed together.

A/N Yeeeeee I hope you enjoyed. If you want to see the blog I was mentioning it's called: "SKY'S QUEST FOR RUBBER BANDS AND MAX'S UNRAVELED YARNY!"

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