"Are you sure you want all the details?" I ask smirking.

"Yes, I want to know why he likes you more than me. What do you do that's so special." Libby pouts. "He said I was his favorite he can't have two favorites." James and Catherine stare at Libby in shock while I sip on my coffee trying not to laugh.

"Arabella," Catherine pauses to eat some of her eggs, "we just want to know what's going on. It is our job to protect you. That is the prince of England and we can't have you ruining his image and starting a controversy. It won't be good for him, us, or you." It's always my fault right?

Let me get this straight. If I was to be associated with Alexander it would be bad for his image that is what they are saying. Yet, the queen herself thinks that I would be great for her son. I am getting pulled in tow different directions here. I might not like Alexander like his mother wants me to, but no one is going to tell me what I can and can't do with him. I enjoy messing with him and playing trick on him. He is is sensitive and the queen allows me to do that. "We slept." I say harshly glaring at her.

"Arabella Chase!" James yells loudly while slamming his fist on the table. The sound vibrates through the house and all you could hear was the fork meeting the floor that Libby dropped.

"I was joking we just slept. I thought it was Libby that climbed into my bed last night not him. Calm down pops." People are so over dramatic these days. Stuffing my mouth quickly I finish my breakfast and wash my dishes. I fix myself another cup of coffee and go sit in the family room.

"We shall be leaving in a little Arabella." Catherine comes up to me out of nowhere. "Your friend Elaine called earlier this morning and we invited her over. She's outside right now. James, Libby, and I are going to go get ready for the launch of my new clothing line." I continue to stare out the window watching the snow flakes dance before they take there final bow. "Ring us if you need anything, and don't forget to put the cream on your burns." She stands there for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and finally getting the hint I don't want to talk to her.

"What happened to your face?" Someone screams, and that person turns out to be Elaine.

"Boiling water." Breaking my eyes from the snow I turn to see her wearing a long sleeves red sweater, blue jeans, and black boots with her hair in a ponytail.

"Did you try that new boiling water challenge? If you did your just stupid. Who puts there head in boiling water to see how long they can stay over before it hurts. All these dumb challenges are just stupid." Good thing I'm not stupid. Maybe she should go try the runaway challenge. Let's see how long she can stay gone.

"I went on a date with Sebastian, and Alexander for some reason was there with his then girlfriend. She thought I was interested in him, so when they both left the room she grabbed the pot of boiling water, for the hot chocolate, and poured it over my head." I never did pick many four leaf clovers when I was a child. I always thought it was stupid. Maybe I should have done that, because I am running out of luck.

"That bitch." Yeah, I know. "You want to go toilet paper her house? We could even get buckets of water and pour them on her concrete so it freezes and she slips outside her house, or we could break into her house and put green hair dye in her shampoo, or better yet blue dye in her pool so that when she gets out her whole body would be blue." Note to self, never get on Elaine's bad side.

"I just want to stay here. On this cold winter day and watch Christmas movies and eat a bunch of food." Chips, soda, and more junk.

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