Chapter 4

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"Arabella can I go with you please?" Libby asks for the hundredth time. It's been a week since I've met Princess Rose and as surprising as it seems we have a lot in common.

Grabbing my bag with my clothes I head down the stairs. "I'll behave I swear." I have heard that one before. "Please Arabella, pretty please." Those eyes don't work on me anymore. Since I was the one who taught her how to do them anyway.

"Libby leave your sister alone." James picks Libby up and puts her on his back. "We have a surprise for you Arabella. Catherine and I already gave Libby her present." Great, I don't need any more surprises right now.

I would just love to be able to leave for the night and not have to worry about any surprises. "What is it?" I ask.

"We're adopting the both of you." If that is the surprise it's not very exciting.

"Did you forget I'm nineteen a little to old to be adopted." Looks like they didn't figure that part out.

James and Catherine look at each other than me. "We already know that, but it didn't stop us. Now come on we have another surprise for you outside." If I walk outside that door and see social services I am booking it and grabbing Libby with me. It could have been some joke they are playing on us. Following them outside to the garage I see a new addition.

"Do you like it?" Catherine asks. "We got it for you." These people don't even know me and they are buying me expensive gifts.

"I mean I don't know what to say. I like it, but I lost my license since I didn't need it."  Steeping closer to the car I examine it inside and out. Fresh new leather seats, a shiny black exterior. This has to be a dream. "Is this a joke?" I ask turning back around. I have seen these cars passing me on the street and I've also seen the price tag. They cost more than one year at Uni.

There is no way they bought this for me after I've been rude to them. "No, Arabella. We know that you aren't use to us so we let what you did earlier go. Think of this as a fresh new start." This can't be really happening .

"Since you don't have your license I'll go call the place to send a new card." Now it's just me and Catherine standing in the garage. I watch as she walks around the car inspecting it.

"So Arabella." She says. "Are you really going to the palace like that?" Looking down at my outfit I shrug. I'm wearing sweatpants with a lose tank top. "That is not acceptable to walk around like that, in the palace."

She should know my style by now. "Well I'm not really into the whole dressing up thing, you know." I open my car door and breath in the fresh new smell.

"I know but I just want to be able to dress you up just once." That's what Libby's for. "Since your're not paying attention to me we have some rules for this car." Of course they do.

"Go ahead." Let's see what rules I'll listen to and what rules I won't listen to.

"Well for starters no one in the car that we don't know and don't approve of. Be in the house before eleven at night unless you have permission to stay out later. Drive the speed limit at all times. Wear your seat belt, and if we even think your drinking and driving we will take your car away. Follow these rules and there shall be no problems." That seems easy enough.

"Who do you approve of to be in my car?" I think I already know the answer to this.

"Princess Rose, Libby, and maybe the Prince." Bingo.

"The car is here to take you to the palace, also the department is closed today so i have to call tomorrow about your card." James says as he walks out the house.

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