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Zoey's POV

Zoey: Aahahaah Im pretty sure you not Roc but good one though.

Scooby: He never told you...

Zoey: What do you mean?

Scooby: That your my twin sister

Zoey: What are you talking about? And don't play with me like that.

Paris: Y'all do look alike.

Dre: Im saying I just never noticed.

Scooby: When we were about 2 years old. We were outside playing and you fell down the steps and hit your head that's why you have that scar. I tried to go get help but I was 2 I couldn't do much. I ran in the house and some lady I never seen before standing talking to our mom she saw me and guess she fell in love with me. Mom went to go get something and she picked me up and fled the country we lived in Mexico for a couple of years and i was convinced that she was my aunt and she said that mom and dad never wanted me they only wanted you. We moved back here when they stop searching for me. The reason you don't remember me was you hit your head so hard that you forgot everything and you never remembered me. I found out that you were my sister when I started working for dad. But mom dosent know she thinks I'm dead also. I'm sorry I never meant to ruin your family or childhood. I just wanted you back so back so bad. You were my only friend back then.

I was thinking and thinking. What he just said to me blew me away. I was trying to remember at least one memory I had of him. It was silent for a good 5 minutes. I was still in deep thought and when I'm thinking my hand starts to twitch. Then it came to me I had one memory me and Scooby swimming in a pool in our backyard I remembered to myself that was the best day ever cause daddy gave me 2 cookies instead of one. Then all the memories came back to me from when I was born to when Scooby was kidnapped. I gasped. Years began to stream down my face. I remembered. My brother, my Bestfriend, my twin. I looked up and saw Scooby looking like he was about to leave he was crying also.

Zoey: Shawn.

Scooby: What did you just call me?

Zoey: Shawn. Shawny I remember. I remember. I've missed you so much. I said hugging him as we cried together.

Scooby: I thought about you everyday. Lil sis. And yes I'm older by 8 minutes.

Zoey: I can still beat yo ass.

Scooby: Mmhmm

Zoey: I love you Shawn. I said hugging I'm tighter.

Scooby: I love Sis.

I saw the door open and my mom walked through the door.

Zoey: Mommy!!!

Mom: Hey Baby who are all these people?

Zoey: Oh friends of mine. I know your birthday is coming up next week so I got you one of 2 presents.

Mom: You didn't have to get me anything.

Zoey: Oh trust me your gonna want this one.

I covered her eyes and walked her to the room that Shawn ( scoobys real name ) was in. I un covered her eyes and she looked at Shawn like she saw a ghost. i saw tears began to stream down her face she fell to her knees and came Shawn came to comfort her.

Mom: MY BABY!!! She yelled holding Shawn's face.

Mom: My Baby. Gracias Señor por traer a mi bebé de vuelta a casa. ¡Gracias!. ( My Baby. Thank you lord for bringing my baby back home. Thank you! )

Shawn ( Scooby ): Te amo mamá. no sabes cuánto tiempo he estado buscando para usted. ( I love you Mama. you don't know how long I've been searching for you. )

Mom: Your father is looking down on us right now.

Shawn looked at me with a confused face when there was knock on the door. I went to go get. I knew who it was. It was my dad.

Zoey: Hey Daddy.

Mom: Zoey....

Dad: hola mi hermosa. ( hello my beautiful )

Mom: King?

Dad: I told you I will never leave your side and I will always keep my promise.

They hugged for what seemed like forever. I saw Paris in the corner of my with tears rolling down her face and I saw Dre smiling. I walked over there and sat on his lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He returned with. Bright smile. I was about to kiss him again when my phone started ringing. I looked and saw it was an unknown number.

Zoey: Hello?

???: Hey Ms. Zoey it's me Kaden.

Zoey: Oh Hey Kaden. What's wrong?

Kaden: I needed to tell you that my sister is coming for you. She says your not slick and she will get what she wants. I still don't know what it is but I'm scared that she gonna get hurt and I just want her to be safe.

Zoey: Kaden Calm Down. Where are you?

Kaden: I ran away from home because my sisters been so busy trying to get you that she forgot about me. She's been beating really badly. She made me lose my front teeth.

Zoey: Ok where are you right now?

Kaden: Outside of Seven-Eleven.

Zoey: Im on my way stay right there and don't talk to anybody

Kaden: Ok hurry I'm scared.

Zoey: Dont be.

After that I hung up the phone I looked at Dre and he looked disgusted with me. Does he think I'm cheating? Let me explain to him.

Zoey: Dre come on. We have to go.

Dre: Your cheating aren't you?

Zoey: What? No. I have to go pick up a little boy who's life is in danger.


He's My Thug: Book 2 (( COMPLETED ))Where stories live. Discover now