Chapter 8

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Zoey's POV


We still haven't found who destroyed me and Dre's cars and its getting on my last nerve. I really don't care much about the car anymore cause I found a new baby and I'm in love with it. I got an EVO 9 and I fucking love that shit. ( A/N I really do love my EVO ❤ ) Right now I'm just sitting in a rolling chair rolling all around the trap. It's the funniest thing I've done all week because Dre's been selling more lately. I know he needs the money but i miss my boo. I cat remember the last time he hugged me. I miss his arms around me. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I ran into a wall with my chair.

Me: Owwe. Stupid wall.

Chris: I don't think it's the wall that's stupid.

Me: Shutup Chris.

Chris is one of my dads workers but before he started working for my dad he use to live in California. We use to kick back in the day when we were kids. I guess you can say we use to be Bestfriends but that changed when he moved when I was 8. He's probably the only boy here I can actually call my brother cause these other niggas I can't trust. They got me fucked up. I'm not gonna lie Chris is FINEEEEEEEE but oohing compared to my baby.

I began rolling to my office where they said I had a call. I rolled to my desk and picked up the phone and pressed the record button cause you never no what can happen.

Me: Hello.

???: Loyalty?

Me: That's the name.

???: Hey, ummm this may be out of the blue but I'm trying to tell you to watch out. Only for your safety.

Me: Who is this and Why?

???: Oh my name is Kaden and my sister is out to get you and she's not backing down until she gets what she wants. Don't ask me what it is but you have it. Please don't hurt her she all I have left. I just want y'all to stop this.

Me: How old are you?

Kaden: 11

Me: How did you get my number?

Kaden: I asked around and paid a couple peo- I have to go she's home. Bye

Me: Wai-

And the line was cut. What did he mean his sister was out to get me? Who is she? And what do I have that she wants? I'm so confused. I got my purse and keys and began to walk out the trap the same time Dre was walking in he looked exhausted and irritated. He didn't even say anything when I passed. Like where they do that at? If he wants give the silent treatment ill give it right back. I walked passed him like he was nothing. I don't got time for him and his games I'm trying to find out who did this to me and what they want and if he doesn't want to help find by me. I got in my car and drove home with tears rolling down my face. FUCK. Why do I keep on crying? I miss and love Dre I just want everything to be back to normal. I miss him. I miss us. And we didn't even break up. If we did I think I'll slip into depression. Then it hit me! Ever since I told my dad that me and Dre are dating he's been making Dre working long hours and he probably told Dre to stop talking to me! I did a U Turn and hit the gas towards the trap house I was probably going 80 in a 45 but I didn't care. I arrived at the trap house got my gun and busted inside causing the door to make a loud noise every one just looked towards me as I walked to my dads office. I banged on the door until he answered.

Dad: Hey Suga-

Me: Dont start with that bullshit.

Dad: What do you mean?

Me: Where is he?

Dad: Who?

Me: I stepped out of my dads door and yelled. DRE. HERE. NOW.

Dad: What are you doing?

* Dre Walked in*

Me: Dont play dumb. You've been giving Dre longer hours so he can stay away from me. Didn't you?

Dad: No

Dre: What's going on?

Me: Tell him dad

Dad: Ok. Yes I have been giving Dre longer hours so he can stay away from you but it's only because I'm not ready to lose you yet Zoey. Your growing up and I don't wanna lose my baby girl. I've lost you once I can't lose you again.

Me: Daddy I'm always gonna be your baby girl no matter what but you need to realize I'm happy and In love with Dre and you can't change that.

Dad: I know. I know. I'm sorry. To both of you.

Me: And I'm sorry for pulling my gun out on you.

Dad: I taught you well baby girl.

I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek before I turned to Dre who was just standing there looking sexy as always. I'm still mad at him so I walked right passed him as I was walking towards the door I felt arms around my waist and being lifted in the air. I giggled cause I knew who's arm they were. I turned around and kissed Dre he licked my lip asking for entrance I teased him with not granting it. He pinched my ass which made me gasp and he slid his younger right in where it belongs. I missed that. A tear fell and he noticed and broke the kiss and wiping my tear.

Dre: I missed you to.

He already knew what it meant. I love my boo. Forever and ever. 4~16~13 ❤


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