Chapter 10: A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!

Start from the beginning

She punched Naruto on the head. Sakura shook her head while Sasuke smirked. He covered his head but still looked at her waiting for the response. "Well! Well!?" "You're thinking today's your day. You were just daydreaming about saving Sasuke weren't you?" She mumbled loud enough for only Naruto to hear. "Oh yeah! We really are on the same page! Remember you have to help me!" "Huh!? No not again! I refuse to be in the middle of you and Sasuke AGAIN!" Naruto pouted and went in an emo corner. "Now that's that over we can start the mission. And Naruto stop moping around." "Let's do it!" Naruto yelled.

Team 7 were picking out weeds for the person who requested the mission. "Well I'm going to beat Sasuke anyway!" Naruto started pulling the weeds and the herbs out from the ground. "Naruto those aren't weeds." Naomi said but she was too late he already pulled them out. Uh oh, she thought. Naruto started laughing in glory. "Hey you!" "Oh hi lady I got rid of all your weeds, pretty cool huh!? H-hey what's wrong?" "You pulled the weeds and you also pulled the special plants! Those were special herbs I've been growing and you destroyed them!" She yelled as beat up Naruto. Poor Naruto, maybe I should help him. Naww he had this coming.

Next the team was picking up garbage left in a river. Naruto slipped. Naomi and Sasuke looked at each other. "It's your turn." Naomi told him. He sighed and grabbed Naruto's ankle. "You are such a loser!" Naruto glared at him and growled.

"Hey not there! We're supposed to go the other way!" Naruto yelled at the dog who was dragging him. The dog was dragging him into a booby tapped area. "Of course he has to choose the biggest dog!" "What a loser." Naomi punched Sasuke one the head. He glared at her. "Be nice." He rolled his eyes. "Your punches are stronger." "That's because of you and Naruto." They heard explosions. "Menma! Are you serious right now!?" Knowing Naruto hated being called Menma. "Menma?" Sakura asked. "Don't worry about it really, what we really should worry about is Naruto." They nodded before the three of them sighed. Naruto came back out with the dog. "Hey at least the poor dogs okay!" "HEY I'M YOUR BROTHER AND YOUR WORRIED ABOUT SOME STUPID DOG!!?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naomi and Sasuke had one of Naruto's arm around their shoulders. "Naruto you really need to be careful!" Sakura said scolding him. "You really are one big problem aren't you?" Naruto growled and Naomi gained a tick mark. "You know there more of this to go around!" She said holding up her fist. Naruto let go of both Naomi and Sasuke. Ready to make a move at Sasuke before Sakura put her hand in front of his neck. Threatening Him. "You keep this up and I'll take care of you myself!" Kakashi sighed, "I guess were not making a lot of progress on the teamwork thing, huh." "That's right, our teamwork is all messed up and it's all because of you Sasuke! You think you're better than everyone else!?"Shouted Naruto. "Not everyone just you. Face it I'm stronger than you are." Sasuke stopped walking. ""It's a fact, unless you can prove me wrong." They're actually getting along worse than usual! If that's even possible. Sakura thought. I don't have time to waste on Naruto and his lame missions. They are still ninja out there who can out fight me! I got to hold my skills so I can beat them! Sasuke thought in his head. I've just about had it with Naruto and Sasuke!

"Alright guys. Let's call it day. You can beat each other into a bloody pulp some other time. Anyway I have to file my report on this mission." "Whatever I'm out of here!" Sakura ran after him. "Wait! Sasuke ill go with you!" Naomi patted Naruto shoulder. "There there, big brother."
"Why do we- I mean you know-Let's do something more personal! I mean to improve our teamwork and all!" "I swear you're just as bad as Naruto." Sakura world fell down. "Instead of flirting why don't you practice your justu and make the team stronger. Let's face it your even worse than Naruto." Sasuke said walking off. "Dang." Naomi whispered. At least I wasn't brought up! Sakura sulked. He's right! What have I done on any of our missions! Nothing!" "Don't worry Sakura, don't worry about Sasuke! You and I can develop our teamwork all day!" Sakura gained a tick mark. Then she thought to of something. Wait a minute.......He didn't say anything bad about Naomi!

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