How Can I Help?

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1. Enter your books

If you have written or want to write a story that meets the following guidelines, tag it #ProjectShine and we'll add it to one of our reading lists (see later chapter). Please also tag with the name of the most suitable reading list.

Your story can either be directly a Christian story (i.e. talks about God and the character's beliefs etc.) or just portray a character with Christian values. These can be displayed in any way.

For example, your story could be about a character who decides to start a charity in memory of a friend or family member. This would count for the campaign. If you still aren't sure if your book qualifies, drop a line below or in our inbox. We are here to help!

Non-fiction stories are also welcomed.
If we don't add it within two days, send us the link.

2. Vote, Comment and Follow

That one is simple enough! Every read counts!

3.Support us on your profile

If you don't have a book yet, but still want to help, add the #ProjectShine to your bio to show your support. It would be greatly appreciated!

4.Enter competitions and share your true story

We will be running competitions with great prizes that anyone can enter, and it's not just for the writers! Graphic design and reading competitions will also be run, so there's something for everyone.

If you have a testimony or true story to share, either publish and tag it with #ProjectShine and #PSMyStory or send us the short text via PM. You can choose to remain anonymous, and we will try to publish as many of your inspiring Shine stories in a special book, Your Shine.

5.Join the discussion

As you read in the previous chapter, we are here to help you with any questions you may have. "What qualifies us for this," you may ask, and the answer is simple. Nothing.

I bet that's not the answer you were expecting! We aren't Wattpad experts, or experts at anything really, but with God's help, "we can move a mountain."

We encourage everyone to answer each other's questions on our message board, although you can just be a silent onlooker!

We also have a brand new thread in the clubs for this! The link is at the bottom of our bio.

6. Pray

Last but not least, we ask that you would support us in prayer. Please pray that God would give us the wisdom to run this project in the best way to glorify Him, and the strength to carry on, not turning to the right or too the left.

Prayer is the pulse of this project.

7. Write for us
We are running a lot of different books, so it's very difficult for me to update each one as often as I should. If you're interested in writing a short article for one of our books, click on this form or copy and paste the link:

8. Become an Ambassador
Read the later chapter to find out more about this.

Thank-you for reading this, and putting up with my rambling! We hope you'll find this Project a helpful platform for talking to others like you and finding help with whatever you need.

We hope you'll stick with us, so please don't be shy!

God bless.

What is #ProjectShine?Where stories live. Discover now