
Heading to bed she found the room empty. It was pointless to even look for him if he was still angry. He was most likely in the office drowning himself in office work.
Crying as she lay on the bed sleep only knocked at her door early in the morning before she was woken up by the sound of a zipper.
"Good morning," she said hoping he would say something.
"I have to go," he said with a blank expression carrying the bag out his jacket in hand.
Without another word he was gone without telling her were he was going.

Heading into the office she knew it was a hopeless cause. Their little argument was nagging her as she stared at her computer screen. Everything was working out fine in the business world but her emotions were in turmoil.
"Hi Ethan," she said after picking up her phone.
"Hey Mel, how are you?"
"Been better?"
"Hmm let me guess Linc?"
"Why do you say that?
"He has been making the London boys jump through rings of fire since he arrived. I have never seen so much fear in one room," he said worriedly. "I know him very well, the last time he was this way was when you two got separated."

"Oh he is in London?" She said softly.
"Yes. I was surprised to see him alone then realized something was wrong once he opened his mouth."
Looking at the papers on her desk a file caught her eye as she opened it to see her husband with a woman escorting her into a restaurant.
"Well he is a big boy I'm sure he can suck it up and leave his emotions out of the office," she snaped.
"Hey Mel chill," Ethan said becoming more worried.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you Ethan," she appologized. "What exactly is he doing there?" She asked with a sigh.
"Winning over a new client," Ethan said.
"Well I can see just how much he is winning," she said.
"See? Are you in London Mel?"
"No Ethan. Listen I have to go something just came up.


Mel's POV

Looking at the picture once more his hand was on her back, placed around the safe zone. I believed what my eyes told me at first glance but knowing my husband he would never break our vows. I knew who had sent these pictures. This is the reason I couldn't just sit back and let my husband do all the work. I mean we are a team after all and time had shown us we worked better together without the other it was pointless.

I had to make that piece of crap pay, he had the audacity to touch my family.


Linc's POV

"Get out," I growled at the young intern.
I knew I was lashing out at them because of the little misunderstanding Mel and I had before coming here. It was a small issue, thats what really pissed me off.
The next person to walk in was another unfortunate fellow who had screwed up my shipment orders.
"Now explain to me what am I going to do with five tonnes of worthless material?"
The young man was practically shaking as he stood before me not a single word coming from him.
"Out!" I yelled as he ran for the door. "And if I were you I would return with a logical answer to my question before the end of the day!"

Sighing I leaned back into my chair. Nothing ever went right if I was fighting with Mel. I missed her so much it hurt to even think of her smile. She was hurting over the loss of our baby yet so was I. I am the man of the house hence it is my responsibility to take care of my family, even if it meant risking my own life in the process. What I had seen in Rafael's eyes at the dinner party had revealed more anger than any human being could contain and I knew it was only a matter of time before he exploded.

8. At His Command (BWWM) [Book Three] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now