"... and please feel free to utilize anything in your rooms. Best of luck to you all." The man in the suit finished his speech and gave us all a little nod before walking away, still wearing that stupidly friendly grin on his face.

We looked around at each other, not sure what to say or do. We all had to go to the same place- our rooms were in the same hall- but the tension in the air seemed to be gluing us to the floor. Someone had to go first or we'd be standing there forever, I just don't know what made me decide it should be me. But I did. I started towards the doors that led to the left wing, feeling the other's eyes burning into my back. Thankfully the feeling didn't last because one by one they followed in silence. Malachi rushed to catch up to me, matching my stride and keeping pace with my step.

"These people are weird," he said in a hushed tone.

I glanced over my shoulder, accidentally catching the dark eye of "the boy from across the fence". He walked just behind us, while the other two were still talking non-stop further back. He held my gaze for a moment, and I thought I saw him offer a small smile, but I didn't get the chance to return it. Malachi grabbed my wrist suddenly and gave it a little tug. I snapped my head forward, like an instinct.

"You shouldn't look at them," he cautioned. "Don't get too friendly."

I glanced down at his fingers that were wrapped tightly around my arm, a shadow of anger creeping into my mind, and pulled it away. He seemed surprised by that action, but didn't say anything.

Ours rooms were on the second floor of the left wing, down a dimly lit hallway dressed in warm colors. The walls were a welcoming beige and the carpet burgundy with champagne swirls. It stretched in front of me, letting out into dark oak wood doors on either side. Each door had a black label on it that held a name. I found mine three doors down- the only word I knew how to spell was my first name- and opened it quickly, ignoring the "good night" from Malachi. I leaned against the door as it closed behind me, letting out a long sigh. That was enough tension for one day. I guess I hadn't realized how much strain had been building up inside me, and there were still some competitors I hadn't seen. They could be trained and strong and smart in a way that I hadn't even imagined. They could crush me in this competition. And then I'd be breaking my promise to Michael, not to mention leaving him with no real family. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, my chest aching with the weight of the situation I'd put myself in. Put both of us in. I had to train as hard as I could, build my skills in what little time I had, and get out of this competition alive. I had to live, and not just for me. I had to win for Michael. It seemed like training couldn't begin soon enough.

That can wait until tomorrow. Right now all I wanted was a nice hot shower. I'd heard of showers, but never taken one before. Michael and I usually would heat water from the creek over the fire and pour it into a wooden tub to bath in. It wasn't very dignified, but it got the job done. I hadn't taken in a bath in a few days, and I was starting to feel pretty dirty. Not that I'd ever really been clean before.

The room's colors matched that of the hallway- warm tones of red and brown that made you want to fall asleep in front of a fireplace. But I didn't pay much attention to the decor. That bed was like nothing I'd ever seen in my life. It was big enough to fit four people across and was covered in plush gold and burgundy blankets, strewn with matching pillows. I had a nearly irresistible urge to run and take a flying leap into its softness, but I managed to control myself. Four pristine white cotton towels were set on top of the comforter, beckoning me to take one and enjoy that shower I'd been craving. I took off my brown slippers, leaving them at the door, and walked barefoot across the carpet- which, by the way, felt like I was I was stepping on clouds. I carefully picked up one of the towels and held it in my hands, noticing a silk nightgown beside it. I touched its glossy material and wrinkled my nose. It was so thin and flimsy. They couldn't give me real clothes? I made a quick decision to sleep in the clothes I was wearing and instead.

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