Cloud City

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-(Y/N) Pov-

Darth Vader led me to his ship. He pressed the button to close the door after I walked in. He strut over to the cockpit and sat in the pilot's seat. I stand in the doorway, unsure of whether I should sit in the seat next to him.

"Sit, my child." He orders. I take my seat in the adjacent chair. I feel my lightsaber against my hip, which tucked inside my belt. I put my hand on it, and an image of Luke Skywalker appeared. I clench my eyes shut and pull my hand off of the weapon.

"Something wrong?" Vader asks while flying.

"Nothing major," I reply. Vader switches the ship into lightspeed, and we're at Bespin in a matter of minutes. I had been so out of it that I did not realize there was a few TIEs full of Stormtroopers behind us. We landed with ease, and exited his ship. When we walked out the entrance, I saw a dark skinned man standing a few meters away.

"Welcome to Cloud City! I have been expecting you." He greeted. Vader and I approached him. I kept my eyes low, and pulled the hood of my cloak over my head further.

"I'm Lando Calrissian," he introduced himself. "And I know who you are, but who's your friend?"

"This is my apprentice, (Y/N)." Vader replied to Lando. I gazed my eyes up at Lando for only a second. He and I made eye contact, quickly but surely. His expression changed from glad to frightened as soon as he saw my eyes.

"Got a problem?" I ask harshly.

"Uh, no, miss." Lando darts his eyes to the floor. "Follow me."

We follow Lando down many hallways. He opens the door to a room filled with a feast. Although, I notice at the other end of the room is an all-too familiar face. Or should I say, helmet.

"Boba Fett," I mutter under my breath. My head tilts up, although, only at the slightest. I can sense him recognizing me. Boba's grip on his blaster releases, but only for a moment. I stare intently at the bounty hunter, and begin to read his thoughts.

What happened to her? How did she become an aid to the Dark Side? Isn't she supposed to be on Tatooine?

I stop after he mentions Tatooine. It brings back too many memories; too many happy memories. It brings back visions of Luke Skywalker. Oh, how sweet he was. And how could I forget Han Solo? The way he grins when he takes down a TIE Fighter; the way he flirts with almost every person in the crew, but will still somehow find his way back to–

Me. He would always find his way back to me! It had never been Leia. He had a problem with an X-Wing Fighter? He'd ask for my advice on what to insult back. He couldn't reach the red gas impulser? I'd be the one he'd go to to fix it. Granite, it may have been an excuse to look at my rear end.

I hear Boba speak with Vader, and it extracts me from my thoughts. They don't talk about much; only some of Boba's recent clients and Vader's progress with the new Death Star.

"They should be here in a matter of minutes, (Y/N)." Vader tells me. "Go with the hunter into the other room."

I nod my head. Wait, who's coming, again? I ask myself. Boba Fett and I walk into the hallway next to the dinning room. I hear a blaster go off and a roar that sounds like a Wookie's. I immediately remember who was coming to Cloud City. Han Solo.

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