A Plan

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-(Y/N) Pov-

Han Solo, the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca. Things I truly thought I would never see again. When Luke and Ben, or Obi Wan Kenobi, told me we needed a ship, the first person I thought of was Han. I couldn't tell them about him. It hurt me too much. When we had arrived at the bar, I decided to wait outside. Luke and Obi Wan had walked outside and guided me over to a ship that they said we'd be using. While walking, I saw the Falcon and stopped suddenly. Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and said, "If you don't want to come along, you don't have to."

I had said, "What do I have to go back to?" and chuckled. I kept walking with Obi Wan and Luke to the Falcon. I stopped to look at the old piece of junk. Then I heard his voice behind me.

I haven't let it go, Han and Chewy not coming to look for me. But I figured the reasons 'we had no clue where to start' and 'we thought you were dead' were good enough. I suppose.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Han said as we neared the Death Star. I felt a ball form in my throat. Luke looked over at me worriedly.

"Hey, it'll be okay." He assured.

"You're sure of that?" I ask him. He sighs and turns away. I walk out of the cockpit and sit at the chess table. The atmosphere of the Death Star pulls us closer and closer until we land.

"Han, what do we do? We're gonna get caught–!" Luke starts, everyone running out of the cockpit.

"Shhh! I've got an idea." Han says. He lifts up a smuggling hatch. He tells Obi Wan and Luke to go in first. I pick up Artoo and hand him to Luke. I jump down into the hatch and help Threepio down, too. Chewy and Han open the hatch next to ours and hide inside of it.

I hear the door to the Falcon open and footsteps run above us. I overhear the talk of Stormtroopers.

"Nothing's here. Tell the General it's empty." One says. Obi Wan presses a finger to his temple, and mumbles a few words I can't hear.

I lift up the hatch and see Han have the same idea. We both jump out behind a few of the troopers that stayed behind and knock them over the head with our blasters.

"Nice one," I complement Han.

"Great minds think alike," he pulls one of his smile-smirks.

"Hurry," I hear Obi Wan say as him and Luke come out of the hatch. Chewy gets out and helps the droids.

"We do not have much time. Put on their clothes and tie them up." Obi Wan instructs.

"Easy, old fart, I know what I'm doing!" Han yells.

"Quiet!" I whisper to the smuggler. We continue to undress the Stormtroopers. Han, Luke, and I put their outfits on. When we're finished, we hear a call up from the entrance.

"Is everything alright up there?" It's a trooper. Han yells down that he needs some help. When the Stormtrooper comes up and into the corridor, Chewy hits him over the head with his bow.

"Let's move," Han says.

"Wait!" Luke interferes. "We don't even have a plan!"

"He's got a point, Solo." I tell him through my mask.

"Just follow my lead," he points his trooper gun at Chewy and walks down the panel. I decide to point my blaster at the droids and usher them to keep moving. I internally apologize. Luke takes Ben 'captive'.

We all walk out of the landing zone without being caught. Obi Wan goes in a different direction, and says that he has business to finish. Luke, Han and Chewy, the droids, and I hide out in a small control room. Once we closed the door, we all took our helmets off.

"What's the plan from here?" I ask. Luke and Han look at each other.

"Well, kid, where's your princess?" Han asks. Every time someone says this chick is a princess, it annoys the hell out of me. Why does she have to be a princess? I'm just a smuggler, and a thief. How can I compete with that?

"She's in the detention level. That's where Vader keeps his prisoners." Luke explains. "So, we go there and rescue her and come back here for you guys–"

"Kid, kid, you're getting ahead of yourself." Han stops Luke. "We need a way to get to the detention level, then we– wait! What's in this for me, anyway!"

"Han, saving a princess? The reward would be more than you could imagine!" Luke says.

"Well, I can imagine quite a lot!" Han retaliates. He sighs. "Fine, I guess I'm this far into this mess."

"Alright, so you and I will take Chewy as a 'prisoner' to the detention level." Luke says. Chewy roars in protest.

"Hey, Chewy, it'll be alright. Don't worry." I comfort the Wookie.

"Then, we'll knock out the guards and unlock her door, and get the heck out of there." Luke finishes.

"Master Luke, what about R2-D2  and I? We can be of most assistance!" Threepio volunteers.

"Sorry, Threepio, I need you, Artoo, and (Y/N) to stay here." Luke apologizes.

"Wait, why do I have to stay here?" I ask.

"Look, Sweetheart," Han begins. "We don't want you to get hurt. And we need you to look after these two nimrods Luke calls droids." He whispers the last part.

I roll my eyes and say, "Whatever."

Luke puts on his helmet and cuffs Chewy. Chewbacca roars, but Han tells him to calm down. Luke and Chewy start to walk out the door. Han approaches me before putting his helmet on.

"I'll be back, (Y/N)." Han says. Before I can even react, he kisses me, and on the lips. We part when we hear the door open. Han slides on his helmet and walks out with the boys. I'm left with a blush on my face.

"Oh, miss (L/N)! I had no idea you and Captain Solo were so close." C-3Po exaggerates.


this is literally kind of a filler chapter. hope you liked it! i really wanted Han so kiss  (Y/N) before he left just because i wanted to.

tell me what you thought!! enjoy!!

You Scoundrel!  (Han Solo x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें