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-Han's Pov-

"Quiet, Threepio!" I shout quietly at the droid.

"No, no. Tell me." (Y/N) encourages. She lays on the bed in the west wing of the hospital. Luke shot her by accident. I had yelled at him, after, and am ungodly mad with that boy. Princess Leia, who we saved from the Death Star, thought she heard from her healers that (Y/N) died. Luke heard it and refuses to go anywhere near the medical center.

"It is because he thinks you are dead." Threepio tells her. A look of shock overtakes her calm expression.

"I can explain," I grab (Y/N)'s hand and hold it gently.

"Please do," she says quietly. I take a deep breath and look at C-3Po.

"Do you want to tell her, or should I tell her, or–" I begin.

"You tell me, Han." (Y/N) insists.

I nod. "After Luke shot you, which was by accident because he thought you were a Stormtrooper, Obi Wan was killed by Vader."

(Y/N) gasps and brings her hand to cover her mouth.

"We all boarded the Falcon, as quickly as possible. Chewy picked you up and got you to safety, and I covered Luke and Leia–" I continued.

"Who's Leia?" (Y/N) asks.

"The princess we rescued. Anyway, we flew back here to the rebel base, Yavin 4. Chewy got you to a medic and they immediately operated on your abdomen." I point to where her pain is. (Y/N) pulls the blanket back and sees stitches with a fresh patch of skin.

"What happened? I mean, what part of me got hit?" She questions.

"You were hit in an artery near your hip and uterus. Nothing major, but it was the fall you had that might cause spinal pain and headaches." C-3Po informs.

"Gosh, that all happened today?" She asks.

"Well," I begin. Threepio stutters an um for a few seconds. "It's been about a day. We destroyed the Death Star, and Luke and I were awarded medals."

(Y/N) looks absolutely dumb founded. She sinks back into her pillow.

"Well, so much for having a normal afternoon." She blurts out. She closes her eyes and I rub her hand.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you want me to do!" I say yieldingly.

"Well, what you can do is tell that nimrod Skywalker that I'm not dead!" (Y/N) says sassily.

"I am right on it, miss!" Threepio says. He stands up and walks out of the room.

"Who told Luke I was dead, again?" She asks me curiously.

"Leia did, why?" I reply with a question.

"Make sure that the next time you see the princess, that you thoroughly inform her that I'm not dead." (Y/N) emphasizes.

"Should I go tell her now, Sweetheart?" I ask sarcastically.

"What do you think?" (Y/N) chuckles. I stand up and walk out of the room. I walk down the hall and end up running to Leia.

"Your worship, I was given a message to inform you that–"

"Han, if this is some type of one liner, then you need to try it on someone else first." Leia tells me.

"No, you see, (Y/N) isn't dead. She's alive for your information." I tell her.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry for that mistake. I heard yesterday from one of the medics that she passed. Send her my apologies." Leia replies before walking off.

I keep walking down the hall until I'm in the large X-Wing Fighter room. I can't remember the name, frankly I don't care. I'm hoping to find the Skywalker kid here.

I see a dirty blonde tangerine across the room. I lightly jog over to him.

"Hey, kid, can I talk to you for a second?" I ask Luke.

"Sure, what do you need?" He replies.

"There's someone who wants to see you, and uh, she's not too happy with your princess friend." I explain.

"Who's this person? Is it Artoo? He plays games you know!" Luke says defensively.

"No it's, well... (Y/N). She wants to see you." I tell him.

"Her corpse wants to see me? Han, you're imagining things. Besides, Threepio already told me she's alive. I don't believe him!" Luke says, upset about the fact that I said her name.

"Luke, that's the thing. She's not dead. Leia overheard a rumor but it was wrong." I clarify.

"Then show me!" Luke responds.

"I will!" I yell back. I grab Luke by the wrist and drag him behind me. Eventually, (after receiving many strange stares) we reached (Y/N)'s hospital room.

Before I open the door, Luke says, "I don't think I can do this. What if she's mad at me!"

"Oh, then you're in for a butt whooping!" I tell him. I open the door and we walk through.

"Well, well, if it isn't Skywalker." (Y/N) says darkly and jokingly.

"(Y/N) I am so, so sorry that I thought you were dead! I mean, it was Leia's fault, but I'm so sorry for shooting you and–" Luke begins.

"Just stop there," (Y/N) interrupts him. "I forgive you. It's Leia who is already on my nerve and hell! I haven't even met the girl!" 

Luke and I laugh. I decide to go tell Chewy that (Y/N) woke up. I tell her and Luke that I'll see them later and exit the room.


hope you all enjoy!! i'll try to update regularly, but i might only update once or twice a week, now.

tell me what you think!!

any suggestions? leave them in the comments!!

You Scoundrel!  (Han Solo x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें