End Climax

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A/N: So I got back from vacation on Sunday or   like two days ago and I should’ve written this chapter but  I kinda started procrastinating and um, yea. This story is coming to a close but don’t worry there will definitely be a sequel. I’m not entirely sure what the sequel will be about but Kristin and Katy will certainly be involved. I’m having a bit of writers block for the end of this story so if you have any ideas let me know.

Elizabeths P.O.V.

Geoffrey walked out with a shot gun in his left hand. Everybody stayed still except Maddy who stumbled into a corner attempting to stop the bleeding in her leg, “Good to see you again Sunshine.” Geoffrey said smoothly and I cringed, hating the nick name he gave me. He chuckled, “Well, Elizabeth you disobeyed me. You know what happens to people who disobey.” Geoffrey raised the gun and began firing but I was too fast. I ran to the left and tackled Geoffrey right into the snake exhibit. The sound of the glass hitting the floor reassured me that the plan was going to work, which most of it already did anyways. I was hoping the snakes would attack Geoffrey before he was able to get back up, “Get off me you stupid cat!” He screamed and I grabbed a loose brick from the wall.

“I AM NOT A CAT!” I yelled as I hurled the brick at Geoffreys face. He stopped his struggling and the snakes began to slither away, I didn’t need them anyways.  I heard banging on the front door, Angel and Ty looked at me with worry.

“Elizabeth their going to knock this door down if we don’t hurry!” Angel warned. I climbed into the air ducts as I’d done many times before. The others followed and we crawled through the ducts until we reached an opening in the ceiling. Soon we were all standing on the roof of the reptile exhibit and, after climbing down we left the zoo entirely.

Angels P.O.V. (yeeeeaa)

We made the cover story on all the newspapers and our story was all over the news. Supposedly two different breeds of lions escaped and attacked two people. Apparently since no one was killed the authorities refused to spend money on investigating a case that nobody was seriously injured in. Not the greatest decision ever made, but it certainly made Elizabeth happy, minus the part about Geoffrey being alive. Elizabeth was beyond angry. She was hardly speaking at all and the only words that escaped her mouth for an entire week only had to do with Geoffrey and Maddy. Eventually she seemed to calm down a little when she began making her usual small talk. Ty, Jason, Elizabeth and I still went to school normally. We talked with Kristin and Katy. Kristin seemed even more distant than usual and I could tell I wasn’t the only one that noticed. I tried asking Katy what was up with her but she claimed she had no idea.

Maddy didn’t come back to school that week either. In fact her entire posse didn’t come back.

A/N: Incredibly short chapter I know. There will probably only be about one or two more chapters left to this story until the sequel but honestly I have no ducking idea what to do now. Leave ideas in the comments and remember to vote and share and blalalaaahahahha…… and um byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeee!!!!

I am not a Cat! (SkydoesMinecraft & others fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz