Not so Life Changing Expieriences

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A/N: OMG LOOK I'M USING A COMPUTER NOW LOLOLOL. Anyways I temporarily have access to a computer and it's AMAAAAAAAAZIIIIIING and I can use bold and italics too yay! Anyway thank you all for giving me your character ideas! I couldn't choose just one so I came up with this idea *insert evil laugh here*. Also if you don't like what I did with your character deal wit' it bro cuz'... Uh, because... BECAUSE YOLO! Fine! I said it! Don't judge me! Anyway le storeh tehehehehehe.

Elizabeths P.O.V.

Ugh. I vowed (for the billionth time) to never ever get drunk again because hangovers suck! I estimated that is was about one in the afternoon so I dragged myself out of my bed and walked to the kitchen. Adam wasn't anywhere to be seen so I assumed he was filming or out shopping. I opened the refrigerator to discover it filled with nothing but empty wine bottles. Obviously I wasn't the only one who was high last night. I made my way to Adams office and held my ear to the door, I could hear him recording and laughing. I walked inside uninvited and grabbed a piece of paper. I wrote 'going out to get some food. Bai'. He nodded and I went to my bedroom, got some clothes and didn't feel like doing my hair so I just put on a beanie and a jacket since it was November and beginning to get cold out.

I shivered as I walked inside the freezing store and began lugging milk gallons into my cart. I was minding my own business when I began to feel like I was being watched. I turned around to find nobody. Was I being stalked? Or was I just crazy? I've been in situations like this before back in New York but normally I'd have a weapon or some form of protection with me. I felt vulnerable and a little scared but I kept to my shopping.

I was looking for eggs when I heard somebody behind me, "Hello? Are you Elizabeth?" I jumped and turned around on my heal with my eyes wide to discover a girl who was probably about eighteen, with a white hoodie, jeans and uggs (UUUUUUGGS). She had long blonde hair and electric blue eyes much like mine and. Wait for it. I'm gonna surprise you! White leopard CAT EARS! I secretly rejoiced inside my mind knowing that I am no longer the only person in the world with attached cat ears and a tail. The girl held out her hand and introduced herself, "My name is Angel. I've been looking for you since you caused such a scene in New York. Were... Were, um, cousins." I would've started crying with joy if I wasn't in a public grocery store.

I was speechless and I didn't know what to say but in the midst of it all, suddenly I found myself hugging her in an awkward hug. Angel and I talked a little more after that. She told me that most of our family was either dead or captured by scientists in Iceland. Apparently the cat ears ran in the family and our parents had to leave us to keep us safe from being experimented on. It was all very cliché to e perfectly honest but knowing that I still had some real family in this world was just unimaginable. I convinced Angel to come stay at Adams and I's house.

Adams reaction to Angel wasn't exactly... hmm. I'm not sure there's a word for it. I'll just explain it to you in movie-script-form.

Adam: *walks from stage right* WHAT THE **** **** ***** **** ***** ***** (and so on)

Angel: *stands in corner looking mortified*

Elizabeth: *sighs* Typical Adam...

There was a lot more detail to it but yea that's basically what happened. After a lot of talking Adam decided that he'd legally move both of us into the house.

Adams P.O.V.

Angel and Elizabeth were watching TV. I was actually really happy that Elizabeth had found a family member. Because you know sometimes there can be like mental damage or whatever you call it.

I walked into the living room and sighed loudly, "Elizabeth I have some news for you that you'll either love or hate with an intense burning passion that cannot be extinguished with even the purest of water." The girls stared at me because of that last part, "Ahem, anyways, actually I think this is for both of you." The girls didn't say anything but just kept staring at me. There was actually a visible resemblance of them when they stood next to each other. I just mean they look a lot alike now that I think about it. "I've decided to send you two to highschool."

And in that moment, as I closed my eyes expecting the deep dark depths of hell to break loose,

I was surprised to hear complete silence. Which, you know silence is cool too but angry drama is, umm, more dramatic. Yea but Adam this is my story so you can't have one of those 'dramatic movie moments'! But c'moooooooon please? It'd be soo much more interesting! Adam, just shut up and go back to the story! Fine!

I opened my eyes back up and both of the girls were staring at me with black faces. God their eyes were creepy when they were both together. "Soo, when does school start?" Elizabeth asked.

"Um, during Thanksgiving break"

"Oh okay." Wow this went waaaay differently than I thought it was going to go.

"Oh yea and you'll be going to school with Ty and Jason." (A/N: I know Jason is actually twenty two but just for the story lets say he's seventeen mmkay?).

" Alright! That's cool I can't wait to meet them." Angel said. Oh my God I can't believe how this turned out. At least their not mad.

Elizabeths P.O.V.

I wasn't particularly excited for school, but I wasn't anticipating it either, neither was Angel. We were roommates and luckily Adam had an extra mattress which we set up next to my twin bed. I was excited to be going to school with Ty and Jason. Honestly I had a little crush on Jason. I haven't gotten to know him that well but that'll change once school starts. Woohoo.

A/N: So, it is one in the morning right now and I'm supposed to be in bed but you know what I don't care rebeeeeeeeel. I'm going to write the next chapter immediately after this because I just can't HANDLE THE ANTICAPATION! Also thank you all again who gave me characters! They'll show up in the next chapter I pwomise! Also I love writing these chapters I write when I'm bored oh crap I started like slamming my fist on my keyboard and I opened something and I dunno man but anyways baaaaaaaaaaiiiiii!!!!! *whispers* ily <3<3<3<3<3<3

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