Chapter 6: Bathroom Breakdown

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"No way!" Sadie exclaims once I tell my friends about what happened when I got home after the mall last night at lunch the next day.

"Yep," I reply, taking a bite of my ham sandwich.

"That's so weird," Macy says. "Why would he care so much?"

"That's exactly what I was wondering," I say with my mouth full of bread and ham.

"You can be so disgusting sometimes, Catherine!" Elle replies in disgust.

I just shrug and take another bite.

"What did you do after he said it wasn't like you?" Macy asks. I may have left out the part that I told him nobody knows me. My friends don't really need to know that.

"I just shut the window and went to bed," I reply without meeting any of their eyes.

"Has he tried to talk to you today?" Sadie asks.

"There hasn't even been a poke!" I smile triumphantly. Maybe Tommy and his gang won't bother me anymore!

Elle smiles uneasily at me.

"What's with the face, Elle?" I ask joyously. "Maybe he won't bother me anymore!"

"That's great, Catherine," she replies smiling sadly. "That's just great."

Elle looks down at her food. I glance at Sadie and Macy with an eyebrow raised. This behavior is very unlike Elle. Sadie and Macy only glance back at me with the same confused expression.

"What's wrong, Elle?" Macy asks her gently. Elle looks up with tears in her eyes. All of our mouths drop in surprise. Elle never cries. Especially not in the school cafeteria where there are a bunch of people.

"I'm just worried about you," she replies, her voice wavering.

"Who, Elle?" I ask softly.

"You," she looks directly at me.

"M-me?" I ask in shock. She nods her head in confirmation. "Why me?"

"B-because," she hiccups, "you've been getting really c-close to T-Tommy, and now he w-won't speak to you. Th-the last person that h-happened to dis-disappeared and was never s-seen again."

Elle breaks into full hysterics. Everybody in the cafeteria begins to stare. I frantically look over at Sadie and Macy. 'Bathroom' Sadie mouths to me. I nod in confirmation and walk around the table to Elle. I gently pull her up and lead her from the cafeteria to the bathroom, while Sadie and Macy pack up our stuff. When Macy and Sadie walk in the door I lock it behind them. Once Elle has calmed down, I start to ask questions.

"Elle, who told you that little tidbit of information from the cafeteria?" I ask.

She breaks down into another fit of hysterics. I roll my eyes. Probably not the most supportive thing to do, but I want to know who made Elle cry like this.

"Elle?" I try again, once she has calmed down a bit.

"Everybody knows about it," she sniffles.

"But how did you find out?" I ask. Elle is really trying my patience, and I'm not in the mood for it.

She says something under her breath.

"What?" I demand.

"Baylee, ok?" she replies before breaking into another fit of hysterics.

"Figures," Macy mutters.

Figures is right. Baylee Murr is our schools queen bee. You know them, you hate them. The infamous queen bees are at every high school. Well, Baylee is ours. She is a very typical queen bee. She wears too much makeup, too little clothes, and has almost every boy falling at her perfectly manicured feet.

When I say she has almost every boy falling at her feet, I mean every boy except Tommy Arden. Even the rest of The Four have slept with her. That's probably why she is trying to get to me. Tommy barely even looks at her, but he gets mad when I don't show up at school. Baylee has wanted him since he went "full bad boy" in our sophomore year. It's a little disgusting to be honest.

"Elle, don't listen to Baylee," I tell her sternly. "She's just trying to scare you to get to me."

Elle glares daggers at me. "How typical! Here I am crying because I'm worried about you, and you turn the problem toward you. All you ever want is to be the center of attention!"

She storms out of the bathroom.

"What?" I shriek. Sadie and Macy are wearing the same shocked expression. I am thoroughly confused. First off, I thought we were talking about me. Second, I hate being the center of attention! I would much rather be in the shadows and let someone else take all the glory.

I look at my friends. "What am I gonna do?"

"I don't know, Catherine," Sadie answers. "I'll see what I can do, though."

Sadie walks out of the bathroom. I turn to Macy. "What just happened?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure," Macy replies. "I've never seen Elle act like that before. I'm worried Baylee said more to Elle than just that little story."

"I've never seen her act like that either," I reply in a daze. "I sure do hope that you're wrong, though."

"Me too," Macy agrees. "Could you imagine what would happen if Elle became friends with Baylee? It would be hell the rest of high school without her."

"Yeah, it would," I say.

Macy and I just stand there for a moment, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Then the bell rings. Macy starts toward the door. "I have to get to class. Will you be ok?"

I nod. "Can you cover for me, though? I might skip next period."

"Of course, Catherine," she replies.

"Thanks, Mace. You're the best," I say earnestly.

"I know," she half smiles.

She walks out of the bathroom, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened.


Hey, guys!

It didn't take me as long to update as I thought it would. Yay! What do you guys think of me adding Baylee to the story? Is it too late to add another character?

Also, sorry this is short. It's basically just a filler. I'll try to write another chapter pretty soon so nobody *cough cough hardcorewriter02 cough cough* tries to kill me.

One last thing, I promise. Please go check out me friend powerwriter5. She's fairly new to Wattpad and she updates her story every Friday. Her story is amazing, so please go check it out.

Thanks, guys!

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