ooohhh man wanna know what pisses me off

39 6 15

I fuckin hate it when there's this story on your recommendation list and it has like 256k reads so you're like 'oh hey this must be gr8 lets read it' and you open it up and in the first sentence they've already used the wrONG YOUR/YOU'RE AND SAID DEFIANTLY INSTEAD OF DEFINITELY LIKE WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS SHIT HAVE SO MANY READS THIS GRAMMAR FUCKING SUCKS

and damn it, I'm not trying to be rude to people that don't speak fluent English, but come on. if you aren't sure about a word, look it up. don't just throw one in there. and if you DO speak English as your first language, please, please please please pleaSE, go to more language classes or something. my inner grammar nazi can't take this.

god, does that make me sound like a bitch?

probably. oh well.

also I did a v v v v V V V V V V shitty drawing of something it was supposed to be for the whole 'show praise with your body' lyric from hallelujah but I was watching supernatural and some dude was getting his head cut off and I was barely watching what I was doing and this all happened in like three minutes so like yiKES

also I did a v v v v V V V V V V shitty drawing of something it was supposed to be for the whole 'show praise with your body' lyric from hallelujah but I was watching supernatural and some dude was getting his head cut off and I was barely watchin...

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I'm never drawing again oml fuck me

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