Facebook Rant

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I have a rant I wrote last night that I plan to put on facebook later, but it'll go here first. This is on the Gay Marriage laws in the US once again.


I think two days is a long enough wait for me to write this. Ever since Friday, I have seen nothing but posts about the new gay marriage law, and I understand. I mean, I support this law and the LGBTQ+ community all the way. What I DON'T support, however, is the hate and complaints I see people spitting out everywhere. Yes, I get that this all may be against your religious beliefs or morals, but, REALITY CHECK: not EVERYONE believes in a god. Now, I am in no way saying that I don't believe in a god, because I DO. I'm just saying that, so many people complain and whine about the way homosexuals "shove" their actions in their faces, but nobody seems to realize that by saying such things as "you'll go straight to hell" or "I'll pray for you", you're being very hypocritical by shoving your religion down their throats. You don't like things like that... why would they?

Another thing that completely baffles me is the way so many people are saying this law "affects them". I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but if this law, which ALLOWS HOMOSEXUALS TO MARRY ONE ANOTHER, is able to affect you in any way, then either you or your partner are gay. It's as simple as that. This law should have NO impact on your life whatsoever unless you or someone you know and love identifies as homosexual. In that case, be happy, because it is now legal for marriage of the same sex to take place!

I know I may have people unfriend me or hate me for this, but I don't care. This is my opinion, and I'm sharing it just as all of you homophobes have. I, along with many others of my generation, grew up learning to ||respect everyone|| and to follow the golden rule. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be treated like you're stupid or unnatural, so why would you EVER talk to another human being that way? In case you forgot, they are normal human beings, just as you and I, only they love the same gender, and that's okay. Why don't we start acting like mature, respectful human beings, and understand that? It's their life, not yours. Don't get involved. Love is love. Simple as that. And for those that believe people just "choose" to be gay, let me remind you of two things: A., according to most of you, god doesn't make mistakes. He "predestines" everything. Therefore, he "predestined" that there were going to be people that liked the same sex. He "predestined" this great moment in history where everyone can love who they want. And the world hasn't exploded yet, all the homosexuals haven't been sent to hell. That has to count for something, right? If he doesn't make mistakes, why start now? And B., do you really think a person would just "choose" to go through life being pointed at or made fun of for being with the one they love? You really think they'd go through that sort of pain and struggling for the attention? I don't.

These are my words and my opinions, and I really couldn't care less whether you agree with them or not. Their lives are not yours to have a say in, so why don't you just save your time and keep quiet? Comment if you wish, but know that hate will not be accepted and those comments will be deleted. I hope you all have a great day.


So there's that. Let me know what you think: agree or no? Hope you lovelies are all doing amazing. Have a great day :-)

- alexis

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